Wednesday, January 5, 2011

BV: Proverbs 15:1

A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1

This verse is particularly hard for me. It’s hard because it sends me a message I know is true. It highlights one of my major faults (and no one likes to look at their faults). All too often I speak through annoyance (whether I’m annoyed at myself or someone else). I know my daughter or husband (and sadly maybe some innocent bystanders) get shortness in my responses instead of patience and loving kindness. Nothing good can come from my tone. I only succeed in stirring up frustrations. Then everyone is feeling frustrated and/or devalued. No one likes to ask a simple question only to be snarled at. I don’t like it. Why should they? I know I would be better off looking into the eyes of the person in front of me before I spoke. Maybe then I would see the heart of the one speaking. Maybe then I would be reminded of what my words and actions say about me. Maybe then I would speak in the gentle way they deserve.

Today’s Encouragement: Take a breath before answering. Be calm and remember the heart of the person in front of you.

Question of the day: I know, for me, my busyness tends to make me less patient with loved ones. What makes you short with others and how have you learned to combat the situation?

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