Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: You've Got A Part

He (Jesus) said to them “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”  Mark 16: 15 & 16

Jesus’ teachings come mostly in the form of parables. He instructed us on how to live our lives and what kind of things we should be doing. They are mostly figurative anecdotes that we are to apply to our lives. As Jesus is about to ascend into Heaven after his resurrection, he tells it to us straight. We are to go all the way, to the far ends of the earth, to the most remote peoples and tell them about Jesus.

Me? Timbuktu? Isn’t that what missionaries are for? We don’t have to board a plane to go to some remote location in order to preach and be an example of the gospel.  Jesus says “go into all the world…” What about 50 feet out our front door? What about at our place of work? At the coffee shops? Grocery Store? What about our family and friends who don’t know Jesus? 

It’s important to encourage and financially support missionaries efforts in far off countries but let’s not forget about the mission field right around us.  God has placed us where we are and we each have a sphere of influence. He wants us to use it to touch the lives of others.

Encouragement for the week: Take a close look at the “mission field” around you. Are there people you can tell about Jesus? Are there souls you can be praying for?  If the answer is “yes”, then you’re an important piece of God’s plan.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge: Week 33

Good Tuesday to you all. 

This week's verse is about how we love God.  Seems simple enough, right?  But is it?  Here's the decide.

I find that I want God to love me this way - with all His heart, with all His soul and with all His strength.  But if I'm honest, I have trouble loving Him this way.  I'm not sure - well I'm pretty sure I don't give Him my ALL.  I tend to hold back.  Maybe it's control or maybe it's fear that keeps me from going "all in".  I don't really know.  But I do know that I want to give Him more.  And the great thing is - He knows that too.

God continues to love me no matter what.  He gently molds me and shapes me to let me know it's okay to give Him more and more of me.  I am safe with Him.  He will not let me down nor will He hurt me.  My goal is to become so completely wrapped up in loving Him that the trials of this world don't really phase me.  Will I get there?  Can't say for sure.  But a goal is a goal - something to strive for.  And I must say - I have the greatest coach!!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: Keep Your Eyes Up

If ever there was an individual who was, to me, a true example of how to live a Godly life, it is the apostle Paul.  Out of almost everyone mentioned in the New Testament (except Christ himself) Paul had the incredible ability to focus.  
He certainly had his fair share of distractions (imprisonment, being shipwrecked, bitten by a poisonous snake, being beaten, and the list goes on).  And yet – most of these experiences seemed little more than minor setbacks.  They almost seemed inconsequential to him – much like the constant pestering of a fly.  

He never focused on the trials of the day.  You can almost hear him say “Yeah, I’m in prison. So?  Bring me that guard.  I’d like to share something with him.”  Paul’s eyes focused on, not where he was, but where he was going and what God was trying to do through him before he got there.  He was singularly focused on sharing the love and redemption of Jesus Christ.  

How nice it would be, in my own life, when someone tells me I’m standing in the muck, to be able to say: “So?  I know it’s messy right now but let me tell you about the prize that awaits me.”

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward.  Philippians 3:14

Encouragement for the week:  Stay focused.  Keep your eyes on Him and not where your feet are.  It’s much easier to see where you are going if you’re looking up instead of down.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge: Week 32

Hello everyone!  This week's verse could be taken a couple of different ways.  Either one is helpful I think. 

First - I've heard it used as a lesson in patience.  God always keeps His promises to us.  Most people, me included, get impatient from time to time.  We often tend to think God has forgotten us, His promises and/or He's in no particular hurry (like we are).  But as the verse says - we understand slowness in a different way than God does.  This verse should give us encouragement that God will always deliver on His promises - no matter how long the wait. We must hold on to that truth.

Second - I see this verse as an overall message of God's enduring love for all His children.  Yes - God could come at any time, wipe out the earth and take His believers back up to heaven with Him.  He will do this - His promise is real.  But there are those who haven't come to know Him yet.  He is waiting for them to come to Him and He will wait for the very last one.  (How awesome to be waited on instead of written off!) We will have our day in glory but His patience and desire for all to know Him outweighs His hurry to bring us home.

See more about the Memory Verse Challenge here.
See the complete list of Challenge verses here.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge: Week 31

Hi everyone. Sorry for the delay in getting this week's verse out. I am traveling and had hoped to get this posted earlier. Oops!!!!

This verse may be unconventional as far as memory verses go but it's one that offers a good reminder from time to time.

You know those moments where you start to question God and even begin to doubt He knows what's going on in your life? You've had them, right?  Well, for me, God's conversation with Job is the reminder I need to put me back in my place and my thoughts back on track. 

Job was in a "whiny" stage and I think God got a little tired of listening to his complaints.  Basically, God said "Enough!!"  Where were you when I did this and this and this.....the list goes on. We don't need to memorize all of them to get gist.  This first verse will do well as a reminder. 

We don't have any right to question God?  We are the creation not the creator.  Sometimes we just need to "zip it" and let God do His thing.

See more about the Memory Verse Challenge here.
See the complete list of Challenge verses here.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: God Is For Us

If God is for us, who can be against us?  Romans 8:31

Think how differently we’d live our lives if this verse was firmly ingrained into our being, our hearts and our souls.  Where would our fear be?  How much control over us would fear have? 

There is no one stronger or more powerful than God.  Simply put - He created the universe.  He can wipe it out. 

Surely our battles with the evil one or even our earthly enemies are no match for Him.  Then why is it, at times, we get so defeated?  It’s not because we actually are defeated – it’s that we think we are.  There is a huge difference. 

We believe a lie when we believe we are capable of being beaten.  It's a lie that God is no longer with us in our battles or doesn't care enough about us to fight on our behalf. 

If we are with God, rest assured He is with us!  

Encouragement for the week:  When the battles of this life overwhelm you, remember you have not been defeated.  Don’t give into that belief.  Take courage, stand up, put your armor on and ready yourselves. The battle belongs to the Lord. Victory is at hand.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge: Week 30

Hi everyone!  This week's verse comes from one of my all-time favorite passages in the Bible - John chapter 17.  In this chapter Jesus is praying in the Garden of Gethsemane before being arrested.

He knows He's about to die and prays that God will be glorified through His death.  He prays for His disciples protection.  Then He takes a moment to pray for us (yes - you and me). 

His love for us shines through in the midst of His pain.  He wants us to be with Him in Heaven - to share His home with us and for us to see His glory.  I love that we clearly see His desire to be with us. 

This belief we have, called Christianity, isn't just some process we go through in our lives.  It's about love, relationships and the desire to be together.  There's nothing quite like the feeling of being loved and wanted.  And nobody loves and wants us more than Him.   

See more about the Memory Verse Challenge here.
See the complete list of Challenge verses here.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: Know the Word to Live It

How can a young man keep his way pure?  By living according to your word.  I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.  
Psalm 119: 9-11

Let's face it - the less we know of God's Word, the less we will live according to it.  David knew what so many of us don't really get - that God's Word isn't merely stories and laws.  It's life-giving, soul-growing sustenance.  David had a desire to know God not only on the surface but deep inside of his being.  He longed for God.  And through that longing came the desire to please God - to live according to His Word.  He spent many hours meditating on scripture and soaking in all of God's goodness.  David had many difficult times and even though he faltered (like we all do); his sins never took him completely away from God.   A non-believer might have said "Give up on your God already.  He has given up on you."  But the Words of truth were planted firmly in David's heart and he overcame.  What path will we take if we don't have God's word planted in our souls?

Encouragement for the week:  Dedicate time each day this week to reading God's word.  To go a step further memorize some passages from the Bible.  There is no better way to "hide" His Word in your heart. (Try out the Memory Verse Challenge.  To get a list of encouraging verses go here.)