Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: First Fruits

"You shall bring the very first of the first fruits of your soil into the house of the LORD your God.  Exodus 34:26

In the Bible we read of God's directive to give our "first fruits".  This means we are not only to give to God first, but also give Him our best.   Although the concept of "first fruits" is usually applied to money, would it be safe to say it applies to our time as well? 

Each day is a gift.  Each day we're given a blessing of time.  Shouldn't we give the first (and our best) of each day to God?  How do we start our day?  For me, it's usually behind the eight ball.  I spend my time just trying to catch up.  When I wait to spend time with God until the end of the day, I'm too tired to put my heart into it. 

It's true - God still hears my prayers as I'm falling asleep saying them but wouldn't He appreciate a little more effort on my behalf?  He deserves quality time from me instead of me simply "fitting Him in"?  It's quite possible the quality of my day would be better (calmer, more peaceful, more joyful) if I started it with God.

Encouragement for the week: God loves to spend time with you.  He also wants to know that He the most important relationship you have.  As you plan your week, rearrange things if you can so that you can spend some quality time with God first.  Pay attention to how this affects your week.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge: Week 46

Hi everyone.  I hope and pray you will have a blessed Thanksgiving holiday.  I know many of you will be feasting up a storm. is one more thing for you to feed on - this week's verse.

The book of Isaiah is full of wonderful reminders of God's power and love.  This verse is one of the many that gives us a sense of His strength and at the same time shows His watchful, protective nature over us.

We know life has trials but God is with us and we will not be overcome by those trials.  Yes, we will encounter rough waters but we will not drown.  There will be times when we feel like we're walking through the fire.  We will not be burned.  We will make it triumphantly to the other side with the Lord our God right by our side.

This thanksgiving season I'm thankful I don't have to navigate these dangers alone.  I'm thankful for the protectiveness of my heavenly Father.  I'm thankful for my Savior.

See more about the Memory Verse Challenge here.
See the complete list of Challenge verses here.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: Thankfulness

This is the time of year when most of us take a moment to reflect on the things for which we are thankful.  The picture of thankfulness looks different to each individual person.  Whether it's right or not - our view of thankfulness is often affected by our circumstances at a given moment in time. When we're feeling particularly "blessed", our thanks comes more easily.  When we're feeling beaten down, thanks does not flow easy from our lips.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 we're told to give thanks in all circumstances.  Whatever the case for you - may you take some time to speak directly to God.  Open your heart to Him in love and thankfulness.  We have much to be thankful for.  No matter what's going on in our lives, there is always something to be thankful for.  We may have to look harder during some moments but if we look we will find.

Here are a few promises from the Word of God to get you started:

The Lord is a shelter and refuge for us in times of trouble.(Psalm 9:9)
The Lord gives us peace. (John 14:27)
Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. (Isaiah 40:31)
God provides a way out for us when we are tempted. (1 Cor. 10:13)
God will give us wisdom if we ask for it. (James 1:5)
The Lord God is with us.  He is mighty to save. (Zephaniah 3:17)
The Lord has plans for us - to prosper us and not to harm us. (Jeremiah 29:11)
The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. (Psalm 34:18)
Nothing is impossible with God. (Luke 18:27)
He began a good work in us and will carry it on to completion. (Phil. 1:6)
He wants us to be with Him in heaven. (John 17:24)

He loves us - always!  He saved us - graciously!  He will search to the ends of the earth to bring us home to Him.  Love like that is one of a kind and worth being thankful for.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge: Week 45

This week's verse is one I often use to remind myself that my prayers make a difference.  I hope you will too.  At first glance we might be tempted to think this verse only applies to someone who is "righteous".  Surely that can't be me?  I sin daily (whether I know it or not). 

Thankfully, though, when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior He clothes us in His righteousness.  Therefore we become righteous despite all our sins and failures. 

It's because of Jesus that we're cleansed enough to approach God - to bring our prayers to Him personally.  He wants to hear from us.  He wants to hear our praises, our thanks, and our requests.  When we're in trouble He wants us to come to Him - to lay our burdens on His lap.

Our prayers connect us with God like nothing else can.  They ARE powerful and effective.  Let's start treating them like they are. 

See more about the Memory Verse Challenge here.
See the complete list of Challenge verses here.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: Seek Godly Council

Plans fail for lack of council, but with many advisers they succeed.  
Proverbs 15:22

Ever try to do something on your own when you're sure you know what to do and then - fail? It happens to all of us. We get so convinced or so proud of something we're doing or have created that we become blind to warning signs around us.  If only we had a safe blueprint beforehand, right? Proverbs are timeless. They are fantastic pieces of advice that have withstood the test of time.  The one above is no different.

In a world where so much importance is put on self-reliance, we feel awkward asking for help and direction. It’s okay to seek advice. According to the wisest man to ever walk on the earth, seeking advice is actually a wise thing to do. The best kind of advice is godly advice from people who seek God's will.

Many Christians out there have already gone through “everything under the sun”.  Many of them love to share their perspective and experience and want to help others succeed. The reality is if you have ever had a plan or dilemma regarding a new relationship, work issues, family matters, a new business adventure, possible move, or whatever; seek godly advice and counsel. You’ll be wise to do so.  Don't risk making a big mistake because you are afraid to ask for advice.

Encouragement for the week: Develop godly relationships with people you can go to for advice. If you have any difficulty finding that group, pray that God with bring those people into your life. Be open to what they say because God could be using them to talk to you.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge: Week 44

Hi everyone.  I don't know where you are but it is cold where I am.  So how about we get all warmed up in our spirit with our latest verse? 

The verse has become one of my favorites in recent years.  I'm kind of surprised I waited this long to use it in the challenge.  If you've read Romans, then you know the book is chalk full of great verses that speak to the soul.  This verse is one of those little gems that seemed to get lost in all of that greatness.  One day I found it and like I hinted earlier - it gave me a warm fuzzy.

Do you remember reading examples in the Old Testament where a family patriarch bestows a blessing on each of his children?  That's what this verse reminds me of.  It's a promise of a blessing bestowed to us on our heavenly father's behalf.  

The God of hope will FILL us with joy and peace so that we may OVERFLOW with hope. I love those words "fill" and "overflow".  Can you imagine being so full of joy, peace and hope that they bubble up out of you?

All we have to do to receive the blessing is to trust in Him.  Maybe that's why I'm not filled to overflowing yet.  I'm not always the best at trusting Him.  But...I do believe in the promise.  I do believe it's possible.  And one day...I am going to be one amazingly overflowing child of God.

See more about the Memory Verse Challenge here.
See the complete list of Challenge verses here

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: Renewing Our Minds

The only “playground” the enemy can “play” in is in our minds. His lies and deceits can cause us to worry and doubt, and in time, turn us from our desired relationship with God. When that happens, we no longer follow God but are unintentionally following the enemy (down a rabbit hole).

Paul encourages us in Romans to be transformed and to renew our minds and in doing so, we will come to know the Father’s “good, pleasing, and perfect will” (Rom 12:2). God wants to be in a close, loving relationship with us. He wants to be our provider, our protector, our teacher, and foremost our Abba (the most affectionate way of call him Father). To be in that kind of relationship with Him we have to be transformed from our old self caught up in the sinful nature into a new godly self clothed in Christ.

We can’t renew our minds by thinking of the old things, of sinful and ungodly things. The words renew and old are in conflict with each other. To renew our minds we have to dwell on new things, like the relationship we have with the father – one that is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy.

Finally brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Phil 4:8

Encouragement for the week: When you find yourself thinking about your worries or the things that frustrate you or make you angry, make a conscious effort to redirect your thoughts.  Singing praises or quoting scriptures is an excellent way to change the path your thoughts are on.  You will find doing these practices will make you a more peaceful person.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge: Week 43

Good afternoon sunshines!!!  I hope you are having a splendid week so far and I pray that you receive encouragement and blessings from all around you.

Speaking of getting encouragement, one of the best ways to get your spirit uplifted and encouraged is by reading the living word of God which is what the verse is about this week (did you like my segue?)

It may sound strange to some when we reference the Bible as the "Living Word of God".  How can written words be alive?  I admit this use to confuse me.  But the truth is once you really get into it - read it - study it - pray it and live it, you will notice without a doubt that those words transform you. 

Have you ever noticed that even though you may have read something a gazillion times it all of a sudden one day reveals something new to you (just when you needed it most)?

The Bible is also described as being sharper than any double-edged sword.  In Ephesians 6:17 we see this reference again when listing the armor of God.  What does this tell us?  It tells us that the Word of God is a significant weapon as well as one that can offer protection. 

So many people think of the Bible as being just a book which shares great stories, historical events and even some good mantras to memorize.  But the Bible is so much more than that.  Well - let me clarify that.  It's more than that if it's actually used.  A sword on a display has no power.  In the same way the Bible on a shelf cannot transform.

See more about the Memory Verse Challenge here.
See the complete list of Challenge verses here.