Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: Seek Godly Council

Plans fail for lack of council, but with many advisers they succeed.  
Proverbs 15:22

Ever try to do something on your own when you're sure you know what to do and then - fail? It happens to all of us. We get so convinced or so proud of something we're doing or have created that we become blind to warning signs around us.  If only we had a safe blueprint beforehand, right? Proverbs are timeless. They are fantastic pieces of advice that have withstood the test of time.  The one above is no different.

In a world where so much importance is put on self-reliance, we feel awkward asking for help and direction. It’s okay to seek advice. According to the wisest man to ever walk on the earth, seeking advice is actually a wise thing to do. The best kind of advice is godly advice from people who seek God's will.

Many Christians out there have already gone through “everything under the sun”.  Many of them love to share their perspective and experience and want to help others succeed. The reality is if you have ever had a plan or dilemma regarding a new relationship, work issues, family matters, a new business adventure, possible move, or whatever; seek godly advice and counsel. You’ll be wise to do so.  Don't risk making a big mistake because you are afraid to ask for advice.

Encouragement for the week: Develop godly relationships with people you can go to for advice. If you have any difficulty finding that group, pray that God with bring those people into your life. Be open to what they say because God could be using them to talk to you.

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