Thursday, June 7, 2012

God Grants a Child's Request

In life, I've found, there are those moments when God just likes to reveal himself and essentially say "Look, here I am."  Last night we encountered one of those moments.  My husband, daughter and I jumped in the car to go to a prayer service at church.  As we drove around a curve we saw part of a rainbow up ahead.  We love rainbows in our family.  For us, they really do feel like a promise from God that He is with us.

During our conversation about the beauty in the sky my daughter stated what she wished God would do with rainbows.  First - she said she wished that God would make them last a long time and not fade away so fast.  Second - she said she wished He would make them longer (because usually we only see a partial rainbow).  Then I added a third request.  I said God should make them darker so we could see them better.  You know because sometimes they're barely there.

Well, in a matter of moments, a full rainbow appeared ahead of us.  I said to my daughter: "Wow!  You asked for a bigger rainbow and God gave it to you."  And as I was speaking the colors of the rainbow began to become more prominent.  Who doesn't love to see a brightly colored full rainbow.  It was stunning really.  Two requests already answered and we hadn't even got to church yet.  And wouldn't you know it - that rainbow was still there when we got out of church an hour or so later.  That's a long lasting rainbow.

Sure, I know, people might say I'm crazy for thinking God was listening to us at that moment and felt the need to respond.  If they'd prefer to believe God doesn't interact with us, that's their choice.  As for me - I choose to believe God loves listening to us (especially to the hearts of little children).  I choose to believe He wanted to show Himself - to reveal not only His majesty and power, but also to show us His heart.  Oh - how He loves us!  As we marveled at the symbol of beauty in the sky we couldn't help but say "GOD IS GOOD!!"

I took a picture on hubby's cell phone but it doesn't really do it justice (plus I was in the car - taking the pic through the window.)