Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Importance Of Intercessory Prayer

1 Timothy 2: 1  First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgiving, be made on behalf of all men...

Most of my life I'd heard the phrase "intercessory prayer".  I never really put much thought into what it meant other than it meant praying for other people.  Several years ago, however, I finally got a deeper picture of what interceding actually means.  I was taking a Bible study on the subject of prayer when intercessory prayer came up.  In the course of the discussion a light bulb came on (or more likely the Holy Spirit spoke to me).

A friend of mine was in the midst of a battle with cancer.  Although she believed God existed, she didn't have much of a relationship with him.  On top of that - her anger level at Him was extremely high.  In our Bible study discussion we talked about how God doesn't hear the prayers of the unrighteous.  My friend came to mind.  I wondered if God would hear her even if she tried to pray.  Had she, through her anger, muddled up the line of communication.  The definition of intercede is "to intervene between parties with a view to reconciling differences".  I sensed (from God) some intervening and reconciling needing to take place.  

And so I prayed for her with a new understanding of what that meant.  It was no longer just about asking God to heal her or to bless her.  It was about repairing a line of communication.  To use a simple analogy - I was like the telephone repairman fixing a downed line.  I may not have been an expert at intercessory prayer but it didn't matter.  During the time I spent praying for my friend, God let me know my prayers had been heard.  My friend was in good hands.

We are all called to be intercessors.  Our job is to fill in the gaps - to connect lost souls with God - to be a conduit helping with the flow of communication.  That's why it's so important to pray for those who are lost.  What are the chances they're praying for themselves?

God is amazing.  Even when there seems to be no way for a lost soul to connect with Him - He provides a way through the prayers of His children.  I think it's a great privilege to intercede on someone else's behalf.  I like to think others are doing the same for me. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

God Walks With Me

Modified from my archives
Have you ever thrown a temper tantrum?  I mean - as a grown up?  I have.  Maybe I didn't lie down and flail my arms and legs about and scream at the top of my lungs but I certainly gave plenty of attitude. I'm not proud to admit my occasional composure failures but I have to be honest. Life can be hard and downright unpleasant at times.  Sadly - I admit - I've resorted to childlike behavior in order to cope.
Thankfully, I grew up with a good foundation of who God is and what He's about. Even though I don't always understand Him or His ways of doing things, I still know that He loves me and He will never leave me.

I picture my life as a journey down a path. Fortunately, I am not walking down the path alone. My Lord and Savior walks with me. Most days are spent in peace. We walk along talking, making note of the splendor around us and taking in the blessings of life. But, as with all journeys, we encounter obstacles, speed bumps, detours, forks, or flat out collisions (whatever description seems to apply at the time). It's at one of those unpleasant obstacles where I might have a tantrum moment.  I picture myself crossing my arms, sitting down and stubbornly refusing to move forward. I'm not happy and I'm not going to get up! It's my silent protest. 

But here is the remarkable thing: God doesn't yell at me. He doesn't call me a crybaby and tell me to get up. He doesn't tell me I'm ungrateful and I'm lucky to get as far as I've gotten in life. He doesn't say, "Fine, you stay here. I'm going on without you."

I believe with all my heart God waits patiently for me to finish my tantrum so that we may proceed together. He'll wait however long it takes. I know my attitude disappoints Him (frankly, it disappoints me) but that doesn't mean He doesn't love me. It doesn't mean He wants to write me off and forget me.  His hand is always there ready and waiting for me to get over myself. When that moment finally arrives (when the hurt and anger have subsided enough for me to see truth again) I look up at my Savior who lovingly asks if I'm ready.  I answer "Yes." and take His outstretched hand. He helps me up and our journey begins again (together). 

I'm so thankful for God's loving patience. Knowing that God walks with me in my journey through life helps make each step easier to take.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday Blogvotional: Stepping Out Of The Boat

True living means growing.  And growing means doing.  We can't grow in our Christian faith unless we take steps, take action.  When Peter got out of the boat and walked toward Jesus (albeit ever so briefly) the other apostles stayed in the boat where it was safe and secure.  Let's face it - how many of us will ever have the experience Peter had?  He took a step of faith.  And even with the reality of him sinking a few steps into his walk - his faith grew stronger than that of his fellow apostles. It's easy to stay in the boat - it's safer there.  But is that truly living or simply existing.   When we take steps of faith by acting on it - little by little our faith will grow.  If we don't put our faith in action, it will stop growing and it will eventually die. 

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:17

Encouragement for the week:  We need to exercise our faith day by day to keep it healthy.  Make a conscious effort to take a step today (even if it's small), then another tomorrow and another the day after that.  The more we "faith-ercize", the more spiritual stamina we'll have.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Finding God In Every Day: Picnic With God

It started out like most typical Saturdays at my house - a little bit of dilly-dallying around, a little HGTV, a little laundry and even a small craft project.  I was hanging up clothes when I remembered thinking earlier in the week that if it was nice out on Saturday, I’d take my daughter to the park.  It was nice out.  I looked at the clock and since it was almost noon decided we should go all-out and have a picnic too.  

I made up our lunches and we headed to the park by the lake.  We grabbed our picnic blanket and set up our lounging spot.  It was a surprisingly beautiful day.  I kicked off my shoes and sat there for a moment soaking in the experience.  My husband was thrilled with having an extra chance to fish.  My daughter was thrilled just to be outside with Mom and Dad.  And I was thrilled with the stolen moment away from the house – away from the to-do lists and stresses. 

This was simply a moment to enjoy life and to enjoy the beauty God created.  The lake was filled with contented geese and ducks (sadly for my husband, there were not many fish).  The mountains stood majestically in the background creating a frame of sorts for the lake.   Other families had the same idea and came to the park to spend time together (enjoying the gift of each other).  The sound of children laughing and playing filled the air and yet it didn’t interrupt the peace of the moment.

Thank you, Father, for helping me stop for a moment so that I could see you - take in the beauty you created and to enjoy the family you so richly blessed me with.  It's so easy to miss you in the rushes from here to there. The busyness of life prevents us from so many Godly things.  Thanks for helping stop and look for you.  My spirit was renewed.  I’m already thinking about our next picnic.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Blogvotional: Take Refuge In The Lord

The dictionary defines oppressed as: 1) subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power; 2) to put down or weigh down. Ever feel that way? The better question is… Ever not feel that way? There are so many things that weigh us down - our jobs and responsibilities and, at times, our friends and family. With so many things dragging us down it’s easy to feel oppressed and then depressed.

Thankfully we have a Lord and Savior who wants to help. In accepting His sacrifice on our behalves, we've been given His Holy Spirit to comfort and direct us. Give your problems to Jesus. Lift them up to Him in prayer and lay them at his feet. HE WANTS YOU TO! Take comfort in knowing that the Great Comforter wants the best for you and is always working to that end. You never have to go through anything alone. Praise God!!!

The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.  Psalm 9:9

Encouragement for the week: Take time to unload your burdens to God. In prayer lay them at His feet. In His way, He will deal with them. Look for Him always.

***This week's blogvotional submitted by James (the hubs)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Never Again List

How many times do we say things like "I can't" simply because we don't have the strength to believe we don't have to do anything on our own?  How often do we forget that God always meets our needs even when it seems like He doesn't? How many times to we run to the corner and cower out of fear even when we've been told we are stronger than we think?  How often to we think we aren't wise or elegant enough to speak the truth even when we know God will give us the words and the wisdom on when to use them?  There are so many doubts that creep into our thoughts.  We know God's truth.  The trick is applying His truth to our lives for all time. Strengthening our faith and changing our thought patterns take practice (and repetition).  I came across this "Never Again List" and it seems like a really good place to start.

NEVER AGAIN will I confess “I can’t”, for “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” PHIL 4:13
NEVER AGAIN will I confess lack, for “my God shall supply all of my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” PHIL 4:19
NEVER AGAIN will confess fear, for “God has not given me the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” II TIM 1:7
NEVER AGAIN will I confess doubt and lack of faith, for “God has given to every man the measure of faith.” ROM 12:3
NEVER AGAIN will I confess weakness, for “The Lord is the strength of my life.” PSALM 27:1
NEVER AGAIN will I confess defeat, for “God always leads me to triumph in Christ Jesus.”  II COR 2:14
NEVER AGAIN will I confess lack of wisdom, for “Christ Jesus is made unto me wisdom from God.” I COR 1:30
NEVER AGAIN will I confess worries and frustrations, for I am “casting all my care upon Him who cares for me.” I PETER 5:7
NEVER AGAIN will I confess condemnation, for “There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus.” ROM 8:1

(author unknown)