Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday Blogvotional: Take Refuge In The Lord

The dictionary defines oppressed as: 1) subject to a burdensome or harsh exercise of authority or power; 2) to put down or weigh down. Ever feel that way? The better question is… Ever not feel that way? There are so many things that weigh us down - our jobs and responsibilities and, at times, our friends and family. With so many things dragging us down it’s easy to feel oppressed and then depressed.

Thankfully we have a Lord and Savior who wants to help. In accepting His sacrifice on our behalves, we've been given His Holy Spirit to comfort and direct us. Give your problems to Jesus. Lift them up to Him in prayer and lay them at his feet. HE WANTS YOU TO! Take comfort in knowing that the Great Comforter wants the best for you and is always working to that end. You never have to go through anything alone. Praise God!!!

The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.  Psalm 9:9

Encouragement for the week: Take time to unload your burdens to God. In prayer lay them at His feet. In His way, He will deal with them. Look for Him always.

***This week's blogvotional submitted by James (the hubs)

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