Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday Blogvotional: Stepping Out Of The Boat

True living means growing.  And growing means doing.  We can't grow in our Christian faith unless we take steps, take action.  When Peter got out of the boat and walked toward Jesus (albeit ever so briefly) the other apostles stayed in the boat where it was safe and secure.  Let's face it - how many of us will ever have the experience Peter had?  He took a step of faith.  And even with the reality of him sinking a few steps into his walk - his faith grew stronger than that of his fellow apostles. It's easy to stay in the boat - it's safer there.  But is that truly living or simply existing.   When we take steps of faith by acting on it - little by little our faith will grow.  If we don't put our faith in action, it will stop growing and it will eventually die. 

In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. James 2:17

Encouragement for the week:  We need to exercise our faith day by day to keep it healthy.  Make a conscious effort to take a step today (even if it's small), then another tomorrow and another the day after that.  The more we "faith-ercize", the more spiritual stamina we'll have.

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