Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Website Supermoms

This morning I was looking at something on the internet which led me to a link to another website.  At first I was intrigued.  I thought, "What a great site". There was so much information.  You've probably seen sites like this.  It was written by a mom who pretended to be just like you and me only she was really a Supermom in disguise.  The more I looked at the site the more I started going into a downward spiral.  I thought how do people like her do this (and by "this" I mean "everything")?  How is it that these people have that much time in their day to clean the house, plan menus, cook all the meals, homeschool four children, write curriculum, have individual time with each kid, and time with the husband, do Bible studies and write a blog all in 24 hours.  I think there's sleep somewhere in there.  Anyway - you get my drift.  I can barely manage a portion of that.  I looked at my husband in disbelief and said "What's wrong with me?"

Yes, I have a problem with comparing myself to "Supers".  I always wonder if there's a secret I'm not seeing.  My husband reiterated to me that I can't compare myself to other people and that people work at different paces.  This didn't actually make me feel better.  The realization is - I'm slow.  That's how I was made.  God didn't make me a high-octane person.  But, ironically, He made me with a desire to do a million things at once and to do them perfectly.  This is incredibly frustrating at my low-octane speed?  How am I suppose to do it all at that speed?

I don't know the answer to that.  But here is my big take-away for the day:  I shouldn't compare myself to the "Supers" of the world.  Instead I should compare myself to couch potatoes!  Then - my accomplishments will seem all the more significant.

In the end I know that God created me to be me.  He has never asked me to do more than I have the ability or the ability through Him to accomplish.  I need to learn to do a few tasks and do them well.  Loving God is the most important task of all.  All the rest is business!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Like Mother, Like Daughter

It's the little things, isn't it, that make us smile and give us warm fuzzies.  The other night it was "store night" at AWANA and one of the things my daughter picked up was a mini flower decorated fingernail file.  Why, out of all the things she could have chosen from, did she pick that gift?  She is, after all only seven and has a way to go still on being obsessed with fingernails (or at least the habit of keeping them nice and trimmed).  She simply chose the file because her mommy (me) has one. 

It warms me up inside when my daughter likes to do and have things just because I do.  She wants to be like me.  If I wear a t-shirt to bed, she wants to wear a t-shirt to bed.  If I put lipstick or perfume on, she wants to do the same.  If we have similar shirts, she wants us to wear them together (okay - she's kind of growing out of that phase).  The thing is - little girls imitate their mommies.  But let's be honest - that's a fact that is both sweet and terrifying at the same time.  It's a lot of responsibility to be a role model.  And truthfully, I don't think about my impact often enough.  I want to be a good example and not just of the manicured nail kind.  I want to be an example of a God-following woman, wife and mom.

So - I found two blessings in her fingernail file.  One is the blessing of having a little copy-catter. They say copying someone is the best form of flattery.  And I LOVE that she likes me.  The second blessing is this: being reminded of the what a special privilege I have been given - to mold a precious child after God's own heart.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Be Yourself

Recently my husband and I watched the movie "My Week With Marilyn".  The movie gives a brief glimpse into the life of Marilyn Monroe.  On the surface she was the most popular movie star of her time and yet her reality never seemed to mirror that illusion.  She was incredibly insecure and desperately longed for love and affirmation.  She feared and seemed to believe that everyone who loved her would eventually leaver her.  There was such loneliness found in someone so popular and adored by so many.

As the movie ended I couldn't help but feel sad for Marilyn.  Her on screen image became like a trap for her.  The question is - how can you find happiness in life when you can never be yourself - when the image people like isn't really even who you are.  Is it any wonder she fought depression.  Despite the adoration of millions there was always the constant question.  Do they like her or the person on the screen?  The eventual truth is realized.  Them loving her image is not the same as them loving her. In the end - everyone just wants to be loved for themselves.

One of the great things about God is that no matter what we've done or who we are - he loves us.  He would prefer we lose the act and just be ourselves.  After all - he created us.  He knew us before we were born.  He knows our idiosyncrasies.  He knows all our weaknesses and faults.  He loves us despite them.  And he will never ever abandon us.  With him - we don't have to be someone we're not.  What a great feeling to be loved so much.  With God - we can be free to be ourselves.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

National Day of Prayer

Thursday, May 3rd was the National Day of Prayer.  It was my first time attending a local event.  We sang, read scriptures and, of course, prayed.  We were people from all parts of town and denominations who came to unite together in once voice to call upon the Lord our God.  Unity is a very powerful thing.  It was evident that God’s presence was there and that He was soaking in our praise.  In response, I firmly believe He heard our prayers and our cries for help.  We prayed for our country, our leaders, our local governments, our poor and needy, our civil servants, our military and our ministers and ministries.  We prayed for spiritual revival in our land as well as for global transformations. 
As you know by now I’m a firm believer in prayer.  I loved this event.  I was uplifted.  I felt renewed in my strength.  The battles of this world are not ours to face alone.  We call upon the Almighty God to lead our fight.  I so appreciate the work that goes into planning these National Days of Prayer events.  But I came out feeling like it’s not enough.  It’s great to have these events and come together to pray.  But why is it that we only do it once a year?  Is it enough to pray once a year?  I don’t think so.  Granted, as Christians, we pray in our churches and in our small groups and in our homes.  But I believe there is tremendous power in praying together like we do in these events.  It creates unity.  We come together as one to call on one God.  We can’t fight each other and bicker about the differences in our beliefs when we are focused on praying for the needs of others and the needs of this world.  There is so much more we could accomplish if we prayed like this more often.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

He'll Never Change

I once had a conversation with a man about his adult son.  The conversation was mainly (from this man's perspective) about how his son was, in not so many words, "messed up".  I asked the man if he ever prays for his son.  The man sort of laughed then proceeded to say that prayer wouldn't do any good because his son would never change. 

I think my first internal reaction was shock.  I mean isn't praying what we're supposed to do - especially for our loved ones?  And this man had already given up - on his own son.  He had essentially written off his son as destined for an unpleasant eternity.  I think my second internal reaction was indignation.  It rose up inside of me. We CAN'T give up on people.  We CAN'T just write them off.  We're suppose to pray for others - intercede on their behalf.  Pray! And then pray some more. 

God never stops desiring his children to return to him (however improbable we may think it is).  He NEVER gives up on us.  So - why is it that we feel it's okay to give up on others?  Why do we feel like it's okay to seal other people's fate - to write them off.  Why do we assume "they'll never change". Thank God He doesn't write us off as easily as we write others off.

I'm pretty certain and thankful that if I ever strayed from my faith, both of my parents would be in constant prayer on my behalf.  I am equally sure that my Lord, Jesus Christ would be up in heaven praying for me as well.  Can you imagine God saying "Don't bother. She'll never change."?  Unimaginable because He would never say that.  God knows better than anyone how to make a hardened heart soft.  He's the healer of our souls.  Our job is to pray and not give up!!!  We need to make sure we don't give up on our loved ones.

I committed that day to praying for that man's son.  And I will not be surprised one day when he turns his life over to Christ.  God's love is never ending.