Friday, May 11, 2012

Like Mother, Like Daughter

It's the little things, isn't it, that make us smile and give us warm fuzzies.  The other night it was "store night" at AWANA and one of the things my daughter picked up was a mini flower decorated fingernail file.  Why, out of all the things she could have chosen from, did she pick that gift?  She is, after all only seven and has a way to go still on being obsessed with fingernails (or at least the habit of keeping them nice and trimmed).  She simply chose the file because her mommy (me) has one. 

It warms me up inside when my daughter likes to do and have things just because I do.  She wants to be like me.  If I wear a t-shirt to bed, she wants to wear a t-shirt to bed.  If I put lipstick or perfume on, she wants to do the same.  If we have similar shirts, she wants us to wear them together (okay - she's kind of growing out of that phase).  The thing is - little girls imitate their mommies.  But let's be honest - that's a fact that is both sweet and terrifying at the same time.  It's a lot of responsibility to be a role model.  And truthfully, I don't think about my impact often enough.  I want to be a good example and not just of the manicured nail kind.  I want to be an example of a God-following woman, wife and mom.

So - I found two blessings in her fingernail file.  One is the blessing of having a little copy-catter. They say copying someone is the best form of flattery.  And I LOVE that she likes me.  The second blessing is this: being reminded of the what a special privilege I have been given - to mold a precious child after God's own heart.

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