Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Be Yourself

Recently my husband and I watched the movie "My Week With Marilyn".  The movie gives a brief glimpse into the life of Marilyn Monroe.  On the surface she was the most popular movie star of her time and yet her reality never seemed to mirror that illusion.  She was incredibly insecure and desperately longed for love and affirmation.  She feared and seemed to believe that everyone who loved her would eventually leaver her.  There was such loneliness found in someone so popular and adored by so many.

As the movie ended I couldn't help but feel sad for Marilyn.  Her on screen image became like a trap for her.  The question is - how can you find happiness in life when you can never be yourself - when the image people like isn't really even who you are.  Is it any wonder she fought depression.  Despite the adoration of millions there was always the constant question.  Do they like her or the person on the screen?  The eventual truth is realized.  Them loving her image is not the same as them loving her. In the end - everyone just wants to be loved for themselves.

One of the great things about God is that no matter what we've done or who we are - he loves us.  He would prefer we lose the act and just be ourselves.  After all - he created us.  He knew us before we were born.  He knows our idiosyncrasies.  He knows all our weaknesses and faults.  He loves us despite them.  And he will never ever abandon us.  With him - we don't have to be someone we're not.  What a great feeling to be loved so much.  With God - we can be free to be ourselves.

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