Wednesday, May 2, 2012

He'll Never Change

I once had a conversation with a man about his adult son.  The conversation was mainly (from this man's perspective) about how his son was, in not so many words, "messed up".  I asked the man if he ever prays for his son.  The man sort of laughed then proceeded to say that prayer wouldn't do any good because his son would never change. 

I think my first internal reaction was shock.  I mean isn't praying what we're supposed to do - especially for our loved ones?  And this man had already given up - on his own son.  He had essentially written off his son as destined for an unpleasant eternity.  I think my second internal reaction was indignation.  It rose up inside of me. We CAN'T give up on people.  We CAN'T just write them off.  We're suppose to pray for others - intercede on their behalf.  Pray! And then pray some more. 

God never stops desiring his children to return to him (however improbable we may think it is).  He NEVER gives up on us.  So - why is it that we feel it's okay to give up on others?  Why do we feel like it's okay to seal other people's fate - to write them off.  Why do we assume "they'll never change". Thank God He doesn't write us off as easily as we write others off.

I'm pretty certain and thankful that if I ever strayed from my faith, both of my parents would be in constant prayer on my behalf.  I am equally sure that my Lord, Jesus Christ would be up in heaven praying for me as well.  Can you imagine God saying "Don't bother. She'll never change."?  Unimaginable because He would never say that.  God knows better than anyone how to make a hardened heart soft.  He's the healer of our souls.  Our job is to pray and not give up!!!  We need to make sure we don't give up on our loved ones.

I committed that day to praying for that man's son.  And I will not be surprised one day when he turns his life over to Christ.  God's love is never ending.

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