Sunday, May 6, 2012

National Day of Prayer

Thursday, May 3rd was the National Day of Prayer.  It was my first time attending a local event.  We sang, read scriptures and, of course, prayed.  We were people from all parts of town and denominations who came to unite together in once voice to call upon the Lord our God.  Unity is a very powerful thing.  It was evident that God’s presence was there and that He was soaking in our praise.  In response, I firmly believe He heard our prayers and our cries for help.  We prayed for our country, our leaders, our local governments, our poor and needy, our civil servants, our military and our ministers and ministries.  We prayed for spiritual revival in our land as well as for global transformations. 
As you know by now I’m a firm believer in prayer.  I loved this event.  I was uplifted.  I felt renewed in my strength.  The battles of this world are not ours to face alone.  We call upon the Almighty God to lead our fight.  I so appreciate the work that goes into planning these National Days of Prayer events.  But I came out feeling like it’s not enough.  It’s great to have these events and come together to pray.  But why is it that we only do it once a year?  Is it enough to pray once a year?  I don’t think so.  Granted, as Christians, we pray in our churches and in our small groups and in our homes.  But I believe there is tremendous power in praying together like we do in these events.  It creates unity.  We come together as one to call on one God.  We can’t fight each other and bicker about the differences in our beliefs when we are focused on praying for the needs of others and the needs of this world.  There is so much more we could accomplish if we prayed like this more often.

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