Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: God Is For Us

If God is for us, who can be against us?  Romans 8:31

Think how differently we’d live our lives if this verse was firmly ingrained into our being, our hearts and our souls.  Where would our fear be?  How much control over us would fear have? 

There is no one stronger or more powerful than God.  Simply put - He created the universe.  He can wipe it out. 

Surely our battles with the evil one or even our earthly enemies are no match for Him.  Then why is it, at times, we get so defeated?  It’s not because we actually are defeated – it’s that we think we are.  There is a huge difference. 

We believe a lie when we believe we are capable of being beaten.  It's a lie that God is no longer with us in our battles or doesn't care enough about us to fight on our behalf. 

If we are with God, rest assured He is with us!  

Encouragement for the week:  When the battles of this life overwhelm you, remember you have not been defeated.  Don’t give into that belief.  Take courage, stand up, put your armor on and ready yourselves. The battle belongs to the Lord. Victory is at hand.

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