Wednesday, January 12, 2011

BV - Matthew 13:16

But blessed are your eyes because you see, and your ears because they hear.
Matthew 13:16

When you look at the mountains, a butterfly, a flower or a rainbow, do you see God? Do you hear the voice of God through the rustling wind, roar of a waterfall or the song of a bird? What an amazing blessing! But it’s an even greater blessing to be able to see and hear God working in our own lives and in the lives of others. It’s thrilling to see the affects of prayer. It’s thrilling to see the transforming power of God’s grace. It’s comforting to hear the love of God through His words. Our faith is strengthened by those blessings.

But sometimes seeing or hearing God isn’t always easy. There are moments in our lives when we simply choose not to exercise the blessing. We simply stop looking and stop listening. But other times, despite our desperation, we can’t see or hear. Our senses have taken a hit. They have dulled. Our ability to see and to hear God can be affected by the pain of trials or our attitudes (bitterness, self-importance, etc). Other times we are simply desensitized by the constant streaming of worldly messages around us. Our amazing blessing is diminished.

Whether or not we see or hear God, the truth remains: He is there. He is working. In those moments when our senses fail us, God still provides an avenue to be blessed. He often uses other believers to be our eyes and ears. What we can’t see or hear may be clear to someone else. If we look for God, we will see Him. If we listen for God, we will hear him.

Encouragement of the day: Take time and look for how God is working around you. Listen with open ears to messages (even those you may not want to hear). Or find a friend who will share with you a Godly perspective.

Question of the day: Have you noticed times in your life where your senses were dulled? How did you sharpen them again?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Kendra. Your blogvotionals have been helping me. This one especially. Shonda