Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: The Trap of Freedom

You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature.  Galations 5:13

We’re privileged to live in a free country when there are many around the world who still live under tyranny and oppression.  God has greatly blessed us. 

Most importantly what God gave us, with the death of His Son, was freedom from the bondage of sin.  We often see freedom as kind of a free-for-all.  We can do what we want, live how we like and believe whatever is new and fresh at the moment. 

Ironically, when we live with a worldview of total freedom (anything goes), we actually put ourselves back under the control of sin.  We get so bent on not having any rules at all - that we walk right back into the snare of sin.  Captured and enslaved again.

The thing with freedom is that it requires great responsibility -  and discipline.  To keep from falling back into the trap of sin, we must be able to discern true freedom from the illusion of freedom.  God sacrificed His son so that we could be free.  It’s His greatest desire for us to stay that way.

Encouragement for the week:  Over this 4th of July weekend take a moment and think not only about the freedom we have been given by living in this country but most importantly, think about the freedom that God has given us - an eternal freedom.  Praise God and give Him thanks.

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