Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: Using Our Voice

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.  
James 1:22

Gordon Robertson wrote an article about his trip to China that is amazing. He went there to look for a Christian pagoda that was built over 1,000 years ago!  A monk from Damascus traveled there in 635 A.D. and so effectively taught the word of God that within 150 years a church or monastery existed in nearly every city in China. Christianity flourished for 300 years during the Tang dynasty until a Buddhist empress ordered the destruction of all churches and church writings.

This is difficult to grasp. How could a great number of believers allow this to happen? Where were their voices? Why didn’t they continue to teach their families in the privacy of their homes so that Christianity was not lost? Does this scenario sound like something that could happen in our own country? Our Constitution has given us a voice, the freedom of speech, but are we using it? If we aren’t using it, will we not, then, lose it? Is our faith strong enough to survive the sin that surrounds us? Jesus asked us to “watch and pray.” We must carry on our faith (teaching it and living it) so that it won't die out in future generations.  Keeping the faith is the most important thing we can do for ourselves and for children.

Encouragement for the week: Our lives are enriched every day by reading the Bible. Our lives are even more enriched by living out what God teaches.  Make it a practice each day to live the Word and not simply to hear the Word.  It’s God’s letter of love to us. Share the love by living it.

This week's blogvotional contributed by my mum:-)

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