Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Enjoy The Ride

Have you ever been afraid?  Silly question, I know.  Of course, you have.  We all have.

Have you ever let your fear dictate the course of your life?  Chances are the answer to this questions is "yes" too (at least a time or two).

So what does it take?  At what point do we let go of our fears and fully, truly trust God?  At what point do we make the conscious decision to get on the ride of life and simply enjoy it?

Life is short (as I discussed here).  We labor and toil.  We plan our lives and then get put out, fed up and done in when we run into a detour.  We don't like things we can't control.  We want fun but it has to be our kind of fun.  Or does it?

When will we finally realize that our lives are not about our plans. That when we get caught up in our own plans we tend to get a wee bit uptight.  If we're not getting upset, we're probably getting worried.  Neither one of those options sound much like a joy ride.

Think how much fun it would be if we simply allowed God to take us on a ride - fully trusting that the ride He puts us on is safe, rewarding, and a whole lot of fun.  Sure - the ride might be a roller coaster.  It's likely to have ups and downs, even some twists and turns but who really cares. In the end - it's invigorating and you want to get right back on.

Yes - we can stay on the kiddie ride.  You know - the little roller coaster that's really just a coaster.  It goes super slow and maybe gets you a couple of feet off the ground.  But what kind of life is that?  Let God take you on a great adventure.  When He says "Get on! I've got a plan", don't hold back.  Don't hesitate.  Get on!!!  Enjoy the ride. 

You can live your life according to what makes sense to the world or you can live the adventure God has in store for you. If you're wondering if a "calling" makes sense, stop wondering.  Life is too short to waste time in debate.  Get on the ride while you still can.

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