Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: More Than A Grain of Sand

Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Luke 12:7

There are a lot of us running around on this planet.  It's easy to feel insignificant or lost in the crowd.  Have you ever felt like you were one of those tiny grains of sand on the beach.  That maybe your life didn't really matter - that if you were somehow pulled away by the ocean no one would notice you're gone? 

The truth is - each and every one of us is significant.  We are each lovingly created by God and not simply a grain of sand.  We are children of the Most High.  It's not as if He has so many children that, really, He wouldn't miss one.  No - we are each special and uniquely made.  We each have a purpose.  Sometimes we don't know what that purpose is - but He does.  If we're patient, He'll reveal it to us.

When we "check out" (isolate ourselves and walk away from Him) He grieves our loss. The devil would like us all to believe that we're worthless.  When we believe that lie, we give up.  And when we've given up, we cease to be used for good by God.  When we understand our worth and value we will engage in God's work.  And working for God will lead us to a fulfilled life.

Encouragement for the week:  Stop believing the lie that you are worthless.  Do not give satan that kind of power over you.  Reach out to others and you will quickly find your worth.

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