Sunday, March 2, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: Ity Bity Faith

Doubt can be a deadly thing.  It's a very useful tool the devil likes to use.  If we can be consumed by the idea that we need to believe better or that our faith doesn't muster up, then the devil will ever so subtly convince us that our faith is worthless - that we'll just never live up to God's standards. 

The truth is - God loves us no matter what level of faith we have.  And it's because of this enormous love that He takes time to help us grow in faith.  He is our teacher, mentor and guide.  As we walk through life's journey He continually uses life moments to strengthen our faith (not to condemn us for a lack of faith).

Never be discouraged when you're faith is not perfect.  We may not always have the faith we want to have but even a tiny amount can do amazing things.

He replied, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you." 
Luke 17:6

Encouragement for the week:  Don't let the devil get you down by telling you that you don't have enough faith.  Remember - even a tiny amount of faith you can silence the devil and put him in his place.  Trust God to help your faith grow.

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