Sunday, March 23, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: Focusing on "Why?"

Have you ever gone through a trial and asked the age-old question "why"?  Seasoned Christians know better than to ask the "Why" or "Why me?"  Instead we get a bit more creative with questions like: "How come God doesn't….?" or "What's the purpose of this trial?"  But, the reality is, it doesn't matter how you phrase it, the question is still "Why?".

And sadly, "Why" is really about "me".  The question reflects the true nature of our heart - our self-focus.  "Why won't God help me?" or "Why doesn't God do such and such for me?" or "What am "I" doing wrong that keeps God from blessing "me"?  Sure, they're natural and instinctive questions.  We all ask them. Unfortunately, they lead us away from peace and force us to focus on our troubles.

Maybe we'd be better off training ourselves to focus elsewhere.  How would it change our attitudes if we asked: "What can I do for God today?" or "What can I do for for my neighbor who is hurting?"  What if we counted our blessings instead of bemoaning our lack?  There's a very real possibility that if we took the focus off ourselves, we wouldn't need to know "why" after all.

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire.  Hebrews 12:28

Encouragement for the week:  Live a grateful life instead of an entitled life.  Ask yourself what you can do for God today.  Live a life for Him instead of expecting Him to live for you.

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