Thursday, October 2, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge: Week 38

We're at week 38.  Can you believe we have come this far already?  Admittedly - I need to do a little better on the "memory" part of this challenge but I know we're nurturing ourselves with God's truths!  I love that.  I hope you do too.

This week's verse is a little bit of tough love for most and one I, personally, need to plant firmly in my heart.  It centers around being kind and forgiving to others.  The kind part is much easier than the forgiving part.  But here's the hard truth:  It doesn't matter if we "know" we're completely justified in our anger and unforgiveness.  God requires obedience to Him not obedience to our emotions. The hard thing for us to remember is that forgiving is a requirement in order to be "right" with God.  Without it - there is always a barrier between us and Him.

The last part of this small, powerful verse reminds us that God forgave us.  Think about it.  If anyone has a right to be justified in his anger and unforgiving, it would be God.  We, His children, constantly sin.  Sure - we may not be stealing from the poor or cheating on our spouse.  But what about the sin in our hearts?  God has released us from His anger and forgiven us through the blood of Christ.  It wasn't a one-time thing.  It's a daily (or constant) renewal of His love and grace.

See more about the Memory Verse Challenge here.
See the complete list of Challenge verses here.

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