Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: Godly Priorities

What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self? Luke 9:25

Our world places so much emphasis on having money, power, and lots of possessions. It's so easy to fall into the trap of chasing these things. We justify the hunt because we like nice things, or everyone else is doing it, or we are entitled to have the “good life”.

When we chase these worldly things our devotion to the God of heaven switches to earthly “gods”. It is true - our awesomely wonderful God is a jealous god. He wants us for himself. He knows if our hearts are divided then we can't serve him with all our strength. He also knows that Satan will tempt us just as he tempted Jesus. And what if we're not as prepared to fight him off?  God's warnings to us should not be taken lightly.

Our faith in God's goodness and a godly perspective on what’s important should always be on our mind to safeguard ourselves from falling into the devil's trap.  We have a choice.  The question is...what are we going to value most?  The things (and relationships) of this earth that fade away or the One that lasts forever?

Encouragement for the week: Spend time looking at your priorities in life. If your priorities are not on God or God focused, then there needs to be some realignment.  Pray for God’s enlightenment and help in refocusing your life on Him.  He knows our struggles and will gently help us get our hearts where they need to be.  We just have to let Him.

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