Wednesday, January 29, 2014

God Is Amazing

I know I've said it before (at least in my mind) that God is amazing.  I don't always understand what He's doing or even agree with His course of action.  He sometimes lets me sit in my pain for longer than I'd like or let's me wallow in my sorrow until I just about break or even leaves me in a confused state of mind until it's uncomfortably awkward.  But - the truth is - He's still amazing!

Even when I don't hear from Him - I know He's there.  Even when I don't necessarily feel His presence - I know He still loves me.  There was a time in my life when, admittedly, I wasn't completely sure of this truth.  My insecurities played a big part in this.  I mean, really, I'm quite flawed.  I couldn't fully see what He might see in me. 

I'm older and wiser now.  I know God loves me.  I am certain of it.  How do I know this is true?  It's because I've seen (and felt) Him work in me.  I've felt the molding hands of the potter forming me into a new vessel.  Although it hurts sometimes (that reshaping), He always molds with gentleness.

You see, anybody can be a potter - even the devil.  But not everyone molds with the kind of love God does it with.  I've experienced the molding hands of the devil before (him trying to get me to believe a certain way or do certain things).  There is no love there - only condemnation.

Yes - God loves me!  I know because He takes the time to care.  He takes the time and the effort to shape me.  If He didn't love me, He would leave well enough alone because, frankly, sometimes the experience isn't pleasant for either one of us. God goes all-in and gets His hands dirty because He truly, deeply loves. 

And those silly, little, annoying flaws I have.  Well, they give me character.  I once saw them as something bad but now, I think God sees them as what makes me uniquely me.  In fact, it gives us both something to work on - together.  I think He might even enjoy the challenge.  And that, my friend, is one of the many reasons I think God is amazing!!  I mean - who goes to that much trouble?  God does!

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