Saturday, April 21, 2012

Find A Home - Find A Family

Last night the church I attend held a women's tea.  It was a time for the women of our congregation to enjoy a night together with our daughters.  We had food (seved by the men - yeah!), music, guest speakers and most importantly, fellowship.  I bring this up to share my thoughts on getting involved in a church.  I spent a couple of years without a church home.  That's not to say I didn't attend.  It's more to say there wasn't much happening in that church.  There were no real avenues available to get to know one another.  But that's not my point.  The point is - I really and truly missed the fellowship of a family of believers.  Our church had a tea party last night but that's not the only thing going on.  There are so many ways to get connected with other members.  My encouragement to you is to simply not show up at a church on Sunday morning and walk away for the rest of the week.  Find a church that's active.  It truly makes a difference in a person's outlook to be engaged in a church family.  You will find friends to laugh with, to encourage you, and to lift you up when you are down.  Another aspect is serving.  Don't underestimate the power of serving others.  When you find a place to serve and people to serve - you find purpose.  Engage yourself in a church home.  It is life changing and faith-building.

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