Friday, April 20, 2012

Don't Believe The Lie - Prayer Works

Have you ever spent many hours praying for something and yet feeling like either God's not hearing you or that He's simply choosing not to listen?  I have.  I've been at that point where I wondered if my prayers really mattered - if they really counted.  I wondered where God was and if he had shut me off completely.  I desperately needed to see that prayer worked.  I pushed through my doubts by continuing to pray - holding fast to the promise that God hears my every word.

Realizing the devil is always trying to get us to doubt our faith is key to beating him at his game.  If he can put a few dings in our belief in prayer, then maybe we'll stop praying altogether.  He would love that.  But I'm here to encourage you not to believe the lie.  God always hears your cries, your pleas, and your praise.  We may not feel His presence every day or hear a response but that doesn't change the truth.  God never leaves us.

I began pouring my efforts into praying for other people.  I still didn't know what He was doing in my life but I could see Him clearly answering my prayers and working in the lives of others.  My faith in prayer was slowly being restored.  And a greater blessing I received was knowing I was making a difference in the lives of others - just by praying!  I count it a priviledge to pray blessings into people's lives.  My hope and desire is that you can find your way in prayer and tap into that same joy.

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