Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge: Week 51 (Year End)

Happy New Year's Eve to all of you.  I hope and pray you've enjoyed some time with family and friends over Christmas and are getting settled in to starting a fresh new year.  Is it just me or do they seem to come with greater frequency?

I thought it would be good to close out our year of verses with one that offers us a good reminder of who God is.  It's short, simple and to the point.

God has always been and will always be.  He was there before we were born and will be there long after we're gone.  It's hard for us to fathom one who is truly infinite when we live in such a finite world.  His power, His existence is somewhat of a mystery to us. But if we could understand Him - we could potentially explain Him away.  And then He wouldn't be God, would He?

This verse not only tells us that God is the first and the last but gives us a glimpse of how we should apply that information to the way we live.  God should always come first in our lives.  He is our baseline and we exist because of Him.  We should also live our lives with God (and heaven) as our destination.  He should be what drives our decisions as well as being the end goal for those decisions.  In other words - He should be the total focal point of our lives. 

If your focus has strayed a bit this past year, put your spiritual glasses back on.  With a clear focus on God, life will be so much more richly blessed.

I hope you enjoyed the Memory Verse Challenges over the year and I pray that they encouraged you as well.  If you'd like to add a verse (passage) to round out the year with a total of 52, I selected Psalm 23.  You probably already know it by heart - now just get reacquainted with it so you can cherish it in your heart as well.

May God bless you greatly as you head into the new year!!!

See more about the Memory Verse Challenge here.
See the complete list of Challenge verses here.

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