Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge: Week 48

Good Wednesday to you.  I hope all is merry and bright.  'Tis the season after all.

The last couple of verses have been a little long.  It's time to lighten the load just a bit.  However - just because this verse is short, don't mistake it for being short in the message department.

We've all heard this verse before.  Reading it will probably even start you singing a popular tune.  It's an easy verse to remember.  But - remembering it is the key.  Plant this verse so deep in your heart that you'll absolutely never forget it.  When you're down in the dumps, repeat this verse to yourself.  When you feel sad and alone, repeat this verse.  When you feel overwhelmed by the struggles of life, repeat this verse. 

There will never be a time in your life when God is not "for" you.  He is always on your side.  He is always your biggest champion.  He wants you to thrive more than you want to thrive.  And we have seen through past verses that nothing can separate us from His love.  Believe it!  It's true!

The verse also says "who can be against us?". I'm sure you have no trouble conjuring up someone or something in your mind.  When we look at things with human eyes, we see danger all around.  But from God's perspective all of those dangers are nothing but nuisances.  Even the devil (as powerful as we think he is) is more akin to a powder puff than any real threat.  There is no force, no evil, no one that can truly be against us with God on our side.

See more about the Memory Verse Challenge here.
See the complete list of Challenge verses here.

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