Sunday, May 25, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: A Love Filled Prayer

"Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. John 17:24

We see throughout the Bible that prayer is like our lifeline to God.  It connects us in a way that's unique and special.  Through prayer, we can truly communicate with God about our feelings, desires, questions and struggles.   Sometimes our prayers are simple and yet there are times when our prayers come out of the depths of our souls.  

In the gospel of John, we read of one such time for Jesus.  He was in anguish; about to be arrested, tried and crucified.  The time of His death was near and He spent what little time He had left in prayer with His Father.  In the midst of His own struggle He prayed for Himself but He also took the time to pray a passion-filled prayer about you and me.  

In John chapter 17 we get the pleasure of hearing Jesus' words of longing for us.  His true desire is for us to be with Him in Heaven and for us to have the joy of seeing the magnificent glory of God.  Jesus' prayer demonstrates the depth of His love for us and gives us a great example of how we should pray for others.  Loving someone means praying for them.   Jesus did that for us in the garden of Gethsemane and He continues to pray for us today. What a blessing!

Encouragement for the week:  Read John chapter 17.  There is nothing so personal as someone's prayer.  We are given such a huge blessing by being able to have an open window into the heart of Jesus.  He loves us deeply.  Spend some time reflecting on that truth.

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