Sunday, September 22, 2013

Sunday Blogvotional: Redirecting Our Worship

What is worship?  The dictionary describes it as: extravagant respect or admiration for or devotion to an object of esteem.  Of course we naturally relate the word "worship" with God.  But I wonder how worship actually plays out in our day to day lives.  What about all those things or people readily available and accepting of our worship?  How much time do we spend "worshiping" them? 

As a teenager - I assure you my "extravagant admiration" towards my favorite rock band was not a one day a week kind of action or emotion.  I, along with my fellow teeny-boppers ate, drank and slept all things relating to them.  You may think it's a silly comparison but ask yourself what you spend your time thinking about or doing?  How does that time compare with how much time you spend worshiping God? 

Of course "worship" isn't a word we often use to describe our other behaviors.   But maybe we should.  If we called worship what it was, maybe we'd have a better understanding of what we're doing.  Then we can redirect our worship back to the One who deserves it.

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  Matthew 6:21

Encouragement for the week:  Give up something non-God-focusing today that you typically spend your time on.  Give that time back to God.

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