Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Being A Conduit (Part 3)

This week we conclude our discussion on "being a conduit".  There is nothing I want more than to receive God's blessings and to allow them to flow through me to bless others.  To me, it's one of the ultimate purposes of our lives.  It's kind of like a continual celebration of getting and giving.

I was totally on board with this "giving" thing when it occurred to me I was only on board conditionally.  You see - it's easy to "want to give" to those whom we perceive have a need (the underprivileged, the struggling, etc.)  But what about when God asks you to give to someone you think has a lot or even "enough"?

I ran into that issue a few weeks ago.  I encountered a situation where I had the opportunity to be a conduit - to bless someone with my blessings.  But my heart instantly went into a mode of judgement.  I admit it - it wasn't pretty.  But this person didn't need what I could give.  This person had plenty of money - plenty of stuff.  How could I really bless that?  My conduit was closing.

Thankfully I felt God pointing out and correcting the error of my thinking.  He showed me that being a true conduit for Him doesn't mean doling out the blessings according to my own human-based value system.  I can't pick and choose.  God wants to bless all of His children with all different types of blessings.  He knows what each individual needs far better than I do.  And in this particular case, maybe the need was mine.  Maybe I needed to know who the real giver of blessings is.  And who am I to stand in His way? 

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