Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A Prayer Revisited

Recently, I was sorting through the notebooks I use to write down my writing ideas, favorite scriptures, etc.  As I was sorting I came across a prayer I wrote some time ago.  It reminded me of why I'm grateful to God, why I love Him and how I hope to serve Him with my life.  Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of life it's good to be reminded of what we're really here for.

It's been a while since I've actually written down a prayer but as I read this one it seems like a good idea to do it more often.  Writing them down can give us a wonderful snapshot of our faith (how it struggles - how it grows) through the years.  In our low moments we can look back and see the strength of our faith.  In our high moments we can look back at how God got us through those lows. 

Today I thought I'd share my prayer with you.

Dear Heavenly Father, 

     I praise you.  You are exalted above all else.  Thank you for your love and your continued commitment to me. Thank you for making me worthy of your love and grace.

     One of the most amazing things to me is seeing you work in someone's life.  Whether you choose to do so physically, emotionally, financially or spiritually it is always fun to watch you work. You are truly an awesome God.  I am thrilled to be in your family.  And further - I am thrilled to be able to pray for other members of your (our) family so I can continue to see your glory shine.

     Father,  I want to give my life to you.  I want to be your servant - to live my life as you would have me live it.  There is no other master I would desire to serve - not even myself.  For in your care there is no lack - no need - no want of anything.  You bring ultimate peace and joy.  Father, I pray that I can take the love you have freely given me and use it for your glory.  I pray that I can give that love to others in a like-fashion. You are a wonderful teacher.  All I have to do is live by your example.

    Father, thank you for all that you have done for me - for the many, many blessings you have bestowed on me.  I cannot earn nor do I "deserve" to be so blessed and yet you lavish me with your love, goodness and grace anyway.  I am truly thankful.  With all my love...Amen.

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