Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ten on Ten

I was excited this morning when I realized it was the 10th. I've been waiting for this day for awhile now. I've taken inspiration from my friend Andrea who does a project every month called "10 on 10". She takes ten pictures throughout the day that give a snapshot view of her life. She has a great eye for seeing the special in the otherwise average day. If I had that kind of talent I would tackle that project too. However, I don't quite have the eye for it. Instead I've decided to take a spin on the "10 on 10". On a monthly basis I'd like to make note of 10 things I'm thankful for or blessed with in my life. Granted I should probably do this more than once a month but a girl's gotta start somewhere. So here's my list for today:

1 - I am thankful for my husband. I find it extremely ironic that we are completely opposite and yet in many ways very similar. We have been on a journey together - some of it pleasant and some not so much. When I'm down or worried about something, he helps pull be back up. I like to think I do the same for him. We are each other's defender. He's got my back and I've got his. Together we make a better team than we would apart.

2 - I am thankful for my daughter. She's my China angel. Life is more joyful with her in it. She is a true pleasure to be around. She is an incredibly special girl who is sweet and lovable. Admittedly she has her grumpy moments. But, for the most part, she's a princess. I know I sound biased but I speak the truth! She is without a doubt one of the best blessings I've ever received in my life.

3 - I am thankful for family. I am blessed with family that is supportive and has bent over backwards for us. Sometimes we are fortunate to agree on things. Sometimes we disagree and drive each other crazy. But through it all - we're still family.

4 - I am thankful for quiet time. Although I don't seem to get quite enough of this - I am very thankful when I do. Those moments help me retain (or maybe regain) some sanity in a crazy world. It's almost a necessity for me. Whether I'm able to spend time with God or just organize my thoughts I become a calmer, more patient person at the end of some quality alone time.

5 - I am thankful for hot water. Yes, you read correctly. It may sound simple but my belief is that we take so much for granted. I notice it most when I first step into the shower and the water hits my head. I love that feeling of being surrounded by the warmth. Sometimes I think how much I'd miss such a small pleasure if I didn't have it. I realize I'm blessed when I think how most of the world's population doesn't get to have that same luxury.

6 - I am thankful for good health. It may be a "standard" blessing but I truly am thankful that my family is healthy.

7 - I am thankful for God's provisions. I have a roof over my head. I have a heated house to live in. I have hot water (just had to throw that one in again.) I have plenty of food to eat. (Although I never seem to have enough chocolate.) I have clothes on my back and I have a car to drive. I admit I look at the things around me and wish they were better or different. I still long for my dream home or for a new car or to be able to go wild crazy shopping for new clothes. But the truth is - I am blessed with all I have. And I have more than most in the world.

8 - I am thankful for this blog. It helps me to be disciplined to look for God on a daily basis.

9 - I am thankful for hope (particularly hope for a new tomorrow). On some days it alludes me but maybe that's what makes it all the more special when I do feel it stirring within me.

10 -Most importantly - I am thankful for God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Without them I am lost. I'm so grateful to be found!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

Thanks for the shout out Kendra. I love this list and might have to make my own! :) Miss you.