Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Live Your Life In Such A Way...

There is a saying out there that basically says we should live our lives in such a way as to tick satan off.

Now let me say up front I believe we should not necessarily live our lives focused on tormenting satan but rather on glorifying our Creator. But with that said - sometimes I do get sick and tired of feeling beat up on by the evil one. (This is what I prefer to call him. It reminds me of his true character. Besides I don't feel he should be dignified with a name.) There are moments when his attack on me is strong and sending a little annoyance his way sounds like a good idea. If it makes him suffer a little or cringe when I burst out in a praise song or when he hears me declare my love and loyalty to God then I'm okay with that. It actually kind of brings a smile to my face. I mean, really, he causes enough pain and havoc in the world and if it hurts his pointed little ears to hear me praise God then so be it. He shouldn't be close enough to hear my private conversations anyway. I figure when I pray or offer praises to God I'm creating a sound barrier of sorts. The evil one wants me to stop but can't get close enough because of the pain it causes him.

We're in a constant battle. The evil one sees we have been covered by the blood of Christ. Even though he may already know he can't win our souls he attacks anyway. This is because he knows he can render us ineffective. He relentlessly goes at us until we are weary. We become too tired to fight for ourselves let alone offer hope to others. If he keeps us from doing our jobs as Christians (reaching the lost), his job gets a whole lot easier. So let's get out there and pierce his ears to the point he topples over - immobilized - unable to do his bidding.

It goes a little like this: HALLELUJAH - PRAISE GOD ALMIGHTY. HIS NAME IS ABOVE ALL NAMES!! (What was that I heard? Was that shrieking? Or was it the sound of something slithering away?)

To be real with you - these past couple of years have been difficult. The evil one has attacked and attacked and I have been beaten up. So - my anger level toward him has been pretty high. But at least my anger is correctly placed on him rather than God. In difficult times or when the evil one is in attack mode it helps me to know that distancing myself from God is exactly what he wants. And if that's what the evil one wants then I will do my best to do the opposite. On bad days I lean on the strength of God or on the prayers of friends and family. On good days when my strength is up I do my best to make it clear - I will live my life in such a way as to make sure his efforts are wasted here!

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