Sunday, March 15, 2015

Basking in His Delight

Praying The Scriptures

The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will rejoice over you with singing.  Zephaniah 3:17

Father, I thank you so much that you are forever with me.  You never leave my side even when I doubt - even when I'm frustrated - even when I throw a temper-tantrum.  My heart and my life belong to you and because of that your love for me is so strong and so complete that leaving me behind is not even an option.  Thank you for being better at loving than I am.  

And if that wasn't enough, your love leads you to take great delight in me.  To be honest - sometimes I can't imagine that because of my sin.  But - despite my sin you rejoice over me with singing because I have chosen you - I have chosen you to be my Lord, my Savior, my Redeemer!  And because of that - there is singing and dancing as you prepare a home for me.

Father, You not only have saved my soul and claimed it for eternity but you are my biggest defender here in this earthly life.  Sometimes I try to fight all the battles that come my way.  Some battles are just to big for me and some battles you never intended for me to fight.  Help me to let go and let you defend me. You are more than willing and I thank you.  I praise you for your power and might.

I love you, Father.  Thanks for loving me.  Amen.

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