Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Growing A Prayer Warrior

It's that time of year again.  School is back in session.  Along with that realization comes many different emotions.  For instance - shock that the summer is already over (I don't even know how that happened), sad because my little baby isn't a baby anymore (3rd grade - wasn't she in preschool last year???) and excitement for what the new year brings.  The new school year represents new beginnings. 

You may have picked up from my blog that I'm an avid believer in praying.  I believe it makes a difference in people's lives and it's not simply conversation time with our Maker.  Over the years I tried many different praying plans and failed at a lot of them.  Finally I stumbled on one that works for me.  It's a 40 day plan.  You can read more about it here and here.  My hope is that in some way I can encourage, inspire, and spread the joy of praying with others.  Hopefully you're one of them.

But what about at home?  What about training my little one?  I believe by teaching my daughter to pray I will be creating a praying habit that she'll carry on into the future.  Remember - not all habits are bad.  When we're young we develop a habit of brushing our teeth, washing our hands, saying please and thank you.  None of those come naturally to young ones.  Why do we neglect habitizing (okay it's not a word but it sounds cool) them in the area of prayer.  This is one of the most valuable life tools that exist.  Teaching them to call on the name of the Lord for their battles and their needs and to praise God for all that He is will get your children through more struggles than you alone ever will.

I suggest teaching your children to go beyond the normal prayers before meals and at bedtime.  As I mentioned, it's a new school year which means a new set of classmates.  A perfect time to begin a new praying program.  One of the things I like to do with my daughter is to create a 30 day chart.  In each slot we put in the name or names (depending on how big the class is) of each of her classmates.  With extra slots we add her teacher, principal, staff, etc.

I believe that by teaching my daughter to pray for others now means it will come more naturally for her as she gets older.  I've found this method of praying for her classmates is particularly helpful when she encounters a problem with one of them.  She's learning that even though we may not always get along with somebody, God still loves them and still wants to bless them.  And through prayer we can send His blessings their way (and make the world a better place in the process).

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