Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Why Do We Pray? (Part 2)

Jesus makes it clear to us in the Bible that we should 1) pray and 2) pray often and persistently.  In Luke 18, Jesus tells the parable of the persistent widow.  It demonstrates how we should continue coming before God and not give up.  But why do you suppose this is so important?

We know God knows our every need and desire.  He knows what we're going to pray before we pray it.  If this is so, then why do we pray at all and further - why do we need to be persistent with our prayers?  I believe God desires us to pray often mainly for a couple of reasons.  We touched on the first reason (to connect with God) last week.  You can review that here.  The second reason I believe He wants us to pray persistently and consistently has a lot to do with our memory.

When we pray for a problem or concern only once, we have a tendency to forget we even brought the issue before the Lord.  And when a prayer is forgotten, it's hard to notice when it's answered.  And we we don't notice the answer, it's hard to acknowledge the One who answered.  

I've found that by praying consistently over a particular matter, I'm reminded each and every time I pray that God is in control.  Each time I pray I'm mentally turning an issue over to Him.  I'm acknowledging His sovereignty, releasing my own desires to be in line with His, and releasing my own control.  All of these are hard to do when I'm not praying.

Being persistent in prayer is a discipline.  But it's a discipline that results in huge benefits.  Through prayer we not only connect with God and develop our own personal relationship with Him, but we are also reminded of His sovereignty.  And through that - we are reminded of His provision and His love for us.

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