Monday, October 10, 2011

I'm not Super!

Every so often I get a tad bit overwhelmed with all the things I want and need to do (Okay - that's really an understatement).  I simply cannot do it all. At least not all at the same time.  The sad part is - I'm the one asking me to do most of it.  I have a list of projects that, in my opinion, are very good ideas.  I'm positive there accomplishment would benefit me, my family and society as a whole (so - no pressure there). 

But it seems once again I've discovered that I'm not a superhero.  And, frankly, I'm a little put out by this.  Why can't I be a superhero?  Is that so much to ask?  I look at other people (I know, I'm not suppose to do that.) and by all appearances it looks like they get a lot done.  No, not just "a lot"! They get it "all" done.  I see "Supers" everywhere.  Super Christians, Super Moms, Super Wives, Super Entrepreneurs, Super ___.  You fill in the blank.  I see them.  But are they really "super"?  Or am I seeing things wrong?  Am I seeing them through distorted lenses?  Do I need better glasses? (Some with x-ray vision would be nice.)

I've been a little overwhelmed lately with feeling inadequate.  I kind of hate to put that in print but it's the truth.  Last weekend my Mom, sister-in-law and I went to the Women of Faith conference (which I thoroughly enjoyed and needed).  I got so many "take-aways" I had to come home and do a brain dump (meaning I had to empty my thoughts down on paper so I wouldn't forget any of the gems I learned). 

One of the participants at the conference was Amy Grant.  Ironically - one of the things I got from her isn't something she said but, rather, something I remembered.  Years ago, Amy had a song called "All I Ever Have To Be".  Seeing her and being in my current inadequate mindset, God jogged my memory to remind me of what I needed to hear.  I've pulled out some of her lyrics below. 

When the weight of all my dreams
is resting heavy on my head.

...I'm still hurting wondering if
I'll ever be the one I think I am.

The more I try to be the best,
the more I give the worst.

All I ever have to be is what you've made me.
Any more or less would be a step out of your plan.
As you daily recreate me help me always keep in mind
that I only have to do what I can find.

All I ever have to be is what you've made me.

(Amy Grant - All I Ever Have To Be)

I realized that I'm the one adding stuff to my plate.  Very little of what's on there is something God asked me to do.  I just took it upon myself to fill my plate with "godly" tasks while the "God-given" tasks were being somewhat neglected.  

I'll be honest - I still want to do it all and I still want to be a superhero.  But the irony is - I'm learning that God already thinks I am "super".  I just have to get to the point where I accept that "super" is not defined by what I accomplish but, rather, in who I am as a person - who I am as a uniquely created child of God.  And there it is again - All I ever have to be is what He made me.

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