Monday, October 10, 2011

Fill 'er Up!

Okay - so you know when life and it's demands are getting the best of you?  Your energy level gets zapped pretty fast, doesn't it?  I was looking at a fellow blogger's website the other day and she mentioned that we need to start our day by getting fueled (and I don't really think she had Cheerios in mind.)
I thought about this and knew immediately that I needed to get back into reading my Bible.  It is the ultimate fuel giver.  I just don't know why I ever put that book down.  Every time I do - I get emptied.

Recently our minister told us how he reads his Bible.  He picks five chapters each day (one from Psalm, one from Proverbs, one from the Gospels, etc).  He reads them with pen and paper in hand.  He makes a conscious effort to pull something out of what he reads.  This sounded good to me so I made a plan. As painful as it was - I knew I needed to get up earlier in the morning before everyone else. Only then can I feel like it's just me and God having a conversation.  I started my new journey with my minister's plan in mind.  I picked up my Bible and was off to get fuelled.

Low and behold - there was fuel at that station!  This is what I found in my first chapter (Psalm 1): 

Blessed is the man...
his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by steams of water,
which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither.
Whatever he does prospers.

Reading this, I felt like God was reaffirming to me that I do need to meditate on His word.  And in doing so, my thirst will be quenched. I will not be hungry. I will, in turn, be productive and bear fruit.  I will not wither.  I will prosper. 

I LOVE that God spoke to me with this affirmation.  But wait...there's more.  I randomly selected the book of Joshua (Maybe it wasn't so random.  I was trying to get past the really hard-to-read books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy.)  So I turned to Joshua 1 and it says the same thing.

Do not let this Book of the law depart from your mouth;
meditate on it day and night,
so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.
Then you will be prosperous and successful.

That's twice in one morning.  I get the message.  I will start and end my day meditating on the word of God.  I've only just begun my new "recommitment" to reading my Bible daily.  Although I am weak, I pray that God will give me strength to keep going.  My hope is that the fuel I get is like the adrenaline rush that runners feel.  The more they run the more the want to run.  I hope the more I read - the more I'll need and crave it.

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