Wednesday, November 10, 2010

I Serve A God Who Loves!

I serve a God who, despite our lapses in judgment, continues to welcome us into His home. We are the prodigal children and He rejoices with our return (no matter how many times we leave).

I serve a God who hears our cries (the cries of His children) and holds us in His arms until it’s time to let us go. And when that time comes He gives us strength to get up and move forward. Always maintaining a watchful eye – not to condemn us for our mistakes but to support us along the way.

I serve a God who cries with us. He shares in our pain. Our sorrow is His sorrow. A parent hurts when their children hurt – even when the parent knows the pain must take place.

I serve a God who mourns when we turn away from Him. Not because He’s keeping a tally of how many will enter the Throne Room but because we’re His children. He mourns the loss of a child. Rejection hurts!

I serve a God who longs for us and doesn’t sit idly by watching our lives play out. He is actively involved. He participates. And even better - He prays for us to be with Him.

I serve a God who never leaves us alone. He never abandons us. He sent Himself (His Spirit) to live in us - to be our guide and Comforter.

I serve a God who fights for us – whether this means He’s fighting our battles on our behalf or fighting to keep us in His fold. Like a shepherd guarding His sheep or a mama bear guarding her cubs - He is fiercely protective.

I serve a God who demonstrates His love not by always indulging us with our wants but by graciously giving us our needs.

I serve a God who will sometimes give us our wants – simply because doing so brings Him joy. Like a parent giving a child a gift, it warms the heart.

I serve a God who can take the heart of the vilest person and transform him or her into someone beautiful. There is not one who can’t be transformed by the love of God.

I serve a God who allowed His son to suffer like no man ever has or will (by taking on the sins of the world) so that He may become our atoning sacrifice.

I serve a God who loves us enough to pay the debt we could never pay.

I serve a God who loves!

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