Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Essence of Building My Faith

I realize it has been a while since I've posted anything to this blog. It bothers me to a great extent. I very much want to be diligent and committed in this effort. And yet I have been distracted by changes in routine and travels over Spring break. But here's the truth - when I've thought about writing - I have been unmotivated and feel somewhat spiritually drained. I have no topic or "Godly inspiration" which moves me to share. But as I thought further on my situation - I found the topic was right in front of me. Why the void? Why the drain? The reason is simple. Building our faith takes time. It takes effort. Over the last couple of weeks I have neglected to read my Bible (the main faith building source available). I, also, generally have at least two other books going at the same from other Godly authors. I haven't been reading any of them. My Godly focus has been distracted by life and in a sense, I haven't been refueling my faith.

I set out to do this blog, in part, as an effort to build my faith - to help keep my faith strengthened. And ironically, even though I haven't been writing in it for a while - it still has managed to reveal to me the very thing I need most in order to build my faith. Time with God and time in His word. Life has seemed chaotic the last couple of weeks. I have not felt grounded or peaceful. My focus has been lost. But at least I know why! And the great thing is - it is a correctable condition. So I will pick up my Bible and reconnect with my God. It is that very connection that gives me strength, peace, and hope (precious gems that God longs to share with us).

Building faith is a process. It's not about one day having faith to match the physical strength of Samson. It's about being stronger one day than the previous day. It is undeniable that our faith will take hits. Sometimes it's about taking two steps forward and one step back. The more we go forward the less damage the steps back will create in their wake.

My tidbit for the day: Focus on God, not on life!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Ah, building my faith has been a constant struggle for me too, especially lately. Seems like every time I do really well at getting up early and spending time with God, something comes along very soon and throws me off schedule and out of whack. Thanks for the encouraging reminders!
Ps - hope you are doing well, we miss you!