Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: Go Forth In Courage & Faith

Have you ever felt the nudge of the Holy Spirit to do something?  Have you ever felt that what you were being asked to do was completely and utterly out of your comfort zone and your capabilities?

Chances are you have.  God has a tendency to use people who aren't quite comfortable or particularly skilled in certain areas to accomplish something great.  It's through our inabilities that His glory is made known.  But even when we understand that He will be glorified, it doesn't necessarily make it easier for us to go forward with the task - to take that step in faith.

The task may be hard and the full scope of the task may be unclear.  But remember this: God will always give us the strength and the ability to do what He's asking us to do.  He will never ask us to do something and then sit back and watch us muddle through in vain on our own.  He doesn't play games with us.  That role is left to the "great deceiver".  God is purposeful, has a plan, and when He calls us to do something - He will see us through it to the end. 

I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.  Philippians 4:13

Encouragement for the week:  Ask God for a task today (someone to share your faith with, someone to minister to, someone to forgive, or maybe a struggle or fear to let go of, etc).  Show Him you are willing and see Him give you the strength to do it.

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