Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Path Of Gratefulness

During the past several months praise has been the topic of choice between God and me.  Recently, He took me to the next natural step in our journey which led me from praise to gratefulness.

I've found that it's easy to say the words "I'm thankful for...." and fill in the blank.  But, unfortunately, saying the words doesn't necessarily mean they come from the heart.  Saying the words doesn't mean my attitude is right.  Have you ever had those moments where your heart said something completely different than your head? As believers it's easy to get caught up doing (or saying) what we're "supposed" to.  But sometimes our heart - our attitude doesn't really match up with our words.

I realized through this little lesson that silent discontentment is the same as verbal ungratefulness. When we're not satisfied, we're essentially ungrateful (whether spoken or not).  So why are so many of us plagued with discontentment?  Is it because we're constantly wanting something we don't have or continually waiting for something to happen?  Is it because we're almost always dreaming of the life we want to have instead of living and loving the life we do have?

Can we ever truly be happy when we find ourselves always in "want" mode?  Can we find joy and peace when we're always looking for or expecting something different?  I don't think we can.  I believe that if we change our mindset to be in "grateful" mode then gratefulness will take over our hearts. Joy and peace will take over our soul.

Funny how being grateful takes a conscious effort when complaining and discontentment come so easily.  It may not come naturally but I believe the efforts of training myself to be grateful will reap the rewards of a very contented life.  Each day I make a conscious effort to "open my eyes" and see my blessings.  Then I tell God I'm thankful for each of them.  He wants to hear the words of my grateful heart.  And, in truth, it's not so much to ask.

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