Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Daily Bonus

I wonder how I would live my life if I woke up differently.  If you’re old enough, you might remember the donut commercials where the alarm goes off and the still half-asleep guy stumbles out of bed saying “Time to make the donuts.”  That’s kind of what I do every morning only I say “Time to let the dog out, get breakfast going, make school lunches, etc., etc.”  Doesn’t exactly have aWoo Hoo!! factor, does it?

What if, instead of that, I woke up and said “WOW! I get to be a part of another day.  Thank you, God, for giving me this opportunity.  How can I make the most of this blessing?  How can I show others your amazing glory today?”  Truthfully – I’d love to wake up with a shout. WOW!! (Without giving my husband a heart attack, of course.)  

Okay so maybe hollering out “WOW!” isn’t the best idea for practical reasons.  But what about thinking it?  How do we train ourselves to be consciously aware that each day is a gift given to us by God?  Our days aren’t simply blobs of sand waiting to slide through a tiny hole in an hourglass.  They have purpose.

Ours days are presents and each day we get to open a brand new gift.  Sure – it looks like the one we opened yesterday but grace-fully (yep I said grace-fully not gratefully) we can mold and shape this new gift any way we want.  

By God’s grace - if we made some bad mistakes with yesterday’s gift, we have an opportunity to correct them with today’s gift.   If we got distracted and left God’s path yesterday, we can get back on the right path today.  

If you’re like me, you may find it hard to look past the daily to-do lists.  I think if I woke up with a different perspective, I’d live my life focused more on God and what I can do for Him rather than on how I can live the day for myself.  After all – isn’t that what I was created for? 

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