Friday, June 18, 2010

Daily Medicine

You know how people with chronic illnesses often take daily medication. The medication is not a cure. It's intended to help control their symptoms. There is an inherent problem, however, in getting rid of the symptoms. When the symptoms go away, the patient can sometimes begin to feel like they are cured. Along with feeling cured comes the temptation to stop taking the medicine. And, of course, when a patient stops taking their medicine, the symptoms of the disease return. It's a vicious cycle.

I've discovered something about myself. I have a chronic illness - not of a physical kind but of a spiritual kind. I don't know its official name but I think it's something like "control-itis". Truth be known I think I also have a little bit of the disease "I-want-it-my-way-itis". I'd rather not have any diseases. I'd rather be spiritually healthy - have a perfect spirit inside me. But I'm human and as such I am flawed. I'm learning to accept my weaknesses. Thankfully there is help. The great pharmaceutical team up above has already done the research. There is powerful medicine to help me with my problem(s). The medication I need comes in the form of a "prayer pill". There is a distinct difference between spiritual medicine and earthly medicine. Earthly medicine is "taken" and is often accompanied by a bitter aftertaste. The "prayer pill" is meant to be "offered" not "taken". There is no bitter aftertaste and it is quite refreshing. But daily medication is required for a healthy spiritual relationship.

I've come to the conclusion that left on my own there are some issues (diseases) I'm always going to struggle with. But I'm adjusting to my medicated lifestyle. Each morning I offer my "prayer pill" and ask God to help me to be happy in the here and now - to be satisfied so that I'm not always putting off the joys of today for tomorrow. I also hand over to God the concerns of my life. They are things I can't truly control anyway (even though I've tried). By daily giving my burdens (or symptoms) to God, I am free to focus on Godly things not worldly worries.

I know at some point, as my symptoms disappear, I'll begin to think I'm cured. I'll start to feel like I won't need to pray those specifics daily. But I firmly believe these are battles I will face my whole life. If I stop taking (or in this case offering) my daily medicine, I'm smart enough to know I will fall back into old patterns. My symptoms will reemerge. The peace of my prayer medicated life will disappear. No, I don't have a problem taking my medicine. I'd rather live in peace (symptom free) than live with the constant struggle.

The list of chronic spiritual illnesses is long. There are many floating around. Maybe you have noticed some symptoms in your own life - symptoms of anger, jealousy, unforgiveness, greed, control, complaining, lack of trust, complacency, patience, etc. Although I am a strong believer in prayer, I am new at praying for my specific "illnesses" on a daily basis. I can attest to the difference it's made in me already in such a short time. I write this piece as an encouragement to others. If you've diagnosed yourself with any spiritual illnesses, try offering some daily medicine. Pray and ask God to help your symptoms go away. If you are willing, He is able to take your burdens (or symptoms) away. He will make you a new creation.

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