This week's verse reminds us that when we accept Jesus as our Savior, God transforms us. He graciously gives us a new heart and a new spirit. It may not always be immediately evident to us or to those around us but rest assured we have been renewed.
Growth and change do take time but what this verse assures us is that we have the tools with which to work. God has given us a new heart and a new spirit. It's our job to nurture them. The more we let love in - the more our heart grows and the more love will flow out of us. The more we use the spirit, namely the fruit of the spirit - the more they will expand and grow inside of us and flow out of us.
Without this wonderful transforming gift from God our hearts would remain as stone with no life or love flowing through them. But thankfully, by God's love and grace, we are made new with a "spirit of power, of love and of discipline". (MVC Week 12)

See more about the Memory Verse Challenge here.
See the complete list of Challenge verses here.
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