"You shall bring the very first of the first fruits of your soil into the house of the LORD your God. Exodus 34:26
In the Bible we read of God's directive to give our "first fruits". This means we are not only to give to God first, but also give Him our best. Although the concept of "first fruits" is usually applied to money, would it be safe to say it applies to our time as well?
Each day is a gift. Each day we're given a blessing of time. Shouldn't we give the first (and our best) of each day to God? How do we start our day? For me, it's usually behind the eight ball. I spend my time just trying to catch up. When I wait to spend time with God until the end of the day, I'm too tired to put my heart into it.
It's true - God still hears my prayers as I'm falling asleep saying them but wouldn't He appreciate a little more effort on my behalf? He deserves quality time from me instead of me simply "fitting Him in"? It's quite possible the quality of my day would be better (calmer, more peaceful, more joyful) if I started it with God.
Encouragement for the week: God loves to spend time with you. He also wants to know that He the most important relationship you have. As you plan your week, rearrange things if you can so that you can spend some quality time with God first. Pay attention to how this affects your week.