Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: God Shines Through Our Trials

As He went along, He saw a man blind from birth.  His disciples asked Him, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?" "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life."  John 9:1-3 

Trials.  No one likes to go through them but everyone does.  Some are big and some are itty bitty.  Most of them are uncomfortable to some degree and have the ability to drive our emotions all over the board. Sometimes we blame others, sometimes we get angry at God and sometimes we get so caught up in figuring out why the trial happened that we'll work ourselves out of faith. 

In the passage above, the disciples were looking for an excuse - a reason why someone would be born blind.  Sure someone sinned.  God must be waiting upstairs for someone to sin so He can throw some punishment (trial) his way.  But that's not who God is.  He's not waiting for us to sin.  Instead, He's hoping we won't sin.

But we always want a reason don't we?  It's appropriate to look at each trial on its own.  It's probably fair to say that many of life's trials are things we inadvertently cause ourselves to go through (by bad decisions for example).  But many of our trials happen simply because we live in a fallen world.  Either way, Jesus goes on to explain how God's glory will be displayed in this man's life through his trial.  We always have the opportunity through our trials to see God work.  The question is - are we willing to let Him?

Encouragement for the week:  Remember sometimes trials are just the consequences we face either from our own bad decisions or the sin of mankind.  God is not punishing us.  But He sees what we're going through and whenever the time is right, He will move in such a way where His presence is unmistakable.  We (and our pain) have the privilege of being a vessel through which His glory will shine.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge: Week 37

Good Wednesday morning to you.  I pray all is well with you and that you have some moments to spend with God today.  We all need them!!!

I chose this week's verse simply because it spoke to me.  It starts out by saying "your love is better than life" - a statement I needed to be reminded of.  If all we have is God's love, that's all we need to sustain us.  I know it sounds simple but it's really not.  God's love has power.  It offers renewal of energy.  It feels our empty spaces.  It hugs us.  It comforts us.  It makes us want to dance.

There are many more things God's love does for us that can't be put into words.  But when you feel it - you feel it.  And you never want to let it go.  That's why we move into the rest of the verse - we will lift our hands in praise and we will glorify Him with our words as long as we live.  How can we not?  His love is better than life.

See more about the Memory Verse Challenge here.
See the complete list of Challenge verses here.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge: Week 36

Ha Ha!  Tricks on me!  Somebody told me it was Tuesday and I believed them:-)  So - it's Thursday again.  Who knew? This week's verse is another short one.  We've probably all heard it and have even probably sang it a time or two.  So - should be fairly easy.  I like verses that pack a big punch in just a few words.  Can you tell?

God's grace and power are enough to get us through our weaknesses.  Have you ever gone through a period in your life where you just didn't feel very spiritual?  Where you felt that maybe the ugly in you was overtaking the beauty God made you to be?  Have you ever felt that you were barely hanging on to your faith?  The great thing that is reiterated by this verse is that no matter what - God's grace is enough.  His grace covers those moments of faith-struggle.  He understands our struggles and is ever gracious with us.  Then He uses His power to pull us through the tough times and put us back on track. 

And in those times when we feel we cannot possibly do what He asks of us, His power is made perfect in us.  This means our weaknesses are not necessarily a bad thing.  They allow God's glory to shine brightly through us or through our situation so that others may see a glimpse of His greatness.  Awesome.

See more about the Memory Verse Challenge here
See the complete list of Challenge verses here

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday Blogovotional: Serving In Spite of Ourselves

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves.  Therfore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves."  Matthew 10:16

In Matthew chapter 10 we hear Jesus' instructions to the twelve apostles as he sends them out to preach the message that the Kingdom of Heaven is near.  He tells them to go and heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those with leprosy and to drive out demons.  Sounds great if the passage stopped there.   

Jesus goes on to tell them they will encounter resistance.  They will be arrested, tried, flogged, jailed, etc. all for doing the will of the one who sent them.  What's amazing is that they didn't let the knowledge of these consequences stop them from their mission.  They either didn't believe these things would happen or they didn't think it would be that bad.  Nevertheless - they went - they served - they preached - they ministered.

We often want God to send us on a mission but would we be as faithful as the apostles?  Would we go forward with God's will if we knew the discomfort and inconvenience that awaited us?  Maybe this is why God doesn't tell us more about our life journey.  Maybe, just maybe, too much knowledge isn't a good thing.  Maybe we would run away from serving Him if we knew too much.

Encouragement for the week: God could give us a blueprint of our lives, tell us what our life purpose is and leave us to it.  But He doesn't.  There's a real possibility that left to our own navigating skills we would pick the easiest path and coincidentally the road paved with fewer serving opportunities. Instead, He navigates right along with us, protecting us from our own instinctive bad decisions.  He leads us in to service if we walk along with Him.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge: Week 35

Hi there - I know it's late in the week.  Sometimes things get the best of me.  I started out behind on Monday.  Ever have weeks like that?  Okay, so I'll keep the verse short this week.  It won't be too hard to memorize.

The verse I selected pretty much sums up a lot of things.  Or should I say it simplifies things?  We can speculate over and over again what our purpose is on this earth.  What does God really want from us?  Trying to find the answer can sometimes get frustrating or overwhelming. 

The truth is....God wants us to express our faith through love.  If we love Him, we love other people.  If we love others and we express that love through our actions, we have shown the world a glimpse of Jesus Christ.  I don't know about you...but it sounds like a calling to me.

See more about the Memory Verse Challenge here.
See the complete list of Challenge verses here.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge: Week 34

Happy September to all of you.  School is back in session and even if you don't have kids in school, the vibe at work feels different, doesn't it?  Even though September seems busier - it also brings with it a sense of renewal.  Everybody likes a fresh start.  So - even if you haven't done great on your Memory Verse Challenge, you can start anew.  (Like how I tied that all together???)

This week's verse reminds us that God's word is divine.  The Bible is not just a story book that we read every so often.  It's alive and contains words we need to hear - words that are useful - words that are uplifting, challenging, and affirming.

I would venture to say there isn't a season in our lives where opening the Word of God isn't helpful.  When you or someone you know is down and depressed, it can lift you up.  When you are angry, it can help calm you and put things in perspective.  When you need courage to speak the truth, it will strengthen you.  Those are just of few of the benefits of knowing God's word.  Today's verse says scripture will equip you for every good work.  Don't go through life unprepared when God has given you an excellent training manual.  Use it.

New to the challenge?? See more about it here.

Want to catch up??  See the complete list of Challenge verses here.