Wednesday, January 29, 2014

God Is Amazing

I know I've said it before (at least in my mind) that God is amazing.  I don't always understand what He's doing or even agree with His course of action.  He sometimes lets me sit in my pain for longer than I'd like or let's me wallow in my sorrow until I just about break or even leaves me in a confused state of mind until it's uncomfortably awkward.  But - the truth is - He's still amazing!

Even when I don't hear from Him - I know He's there.  Even when I don't necessarily feel His presence - I know He still loves me.  There was a time in my life when, admittedly, I wasn't completely sure of this truth.  My insecurities played a big part in this.  I mean, really, I'm quite flawed.  I couldn't fully see what He might see in me. 

I'm older and wiser now.  I know God loves me.  I am certain of it.  How do I know this is true?  It's because I've seen (and felt) Him work in me.  I've felt the molding hands of the potter forming me into a new vessel.  Although it hurts sometimes (that reshaping), He always molds with gentleness.

You see, anybody can be a potter - even the devil.  But not everyone molds with the kind of love God does it with.  I've experienced the molding hands of the devil before (him trying to get me to believe a certain way or do certain things).  There is no love there - only condemnation.

Yes - God loves me!  I know because He takes the time to care.  He takes the time and the effort to shape me.  If He didn't love me, He would leave well enough alone because, frankly, sometimes the experience isn't pleasant for either one of us. God goes all-in and gets His hands dirty because He truly, deeply loves. 

And those silly, little, annoying flaws I have.  Well, they give me character.  I once saw them as something bad but now, I think God sees them as what makes me uniquely me.  In fact, it gives us both something to work on - together.  I think He might even enjoy the challenge.  And that, my friend, is one of the many reasons I think God is amazing!!  I mean - who goes to that much trouble?  God does!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge - Week 4

This week's verse is an oldie but a goodie (well - I guess technically they're all old.  he he).  This verse conveys the desire God has that we not get weighed down by life's burdens.  He offers peace and comfort if we'll only come to Him with our troubles and most importantly - with our praise. 

Week 3 – Ephesians 6:11  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

Week 2 – Romans 10:17  Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.

Week 1 – Psalm 9:9-10  The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a shelter in times of trouble.  Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: A Little Praise

Father I praise you and glorify you because your wisdom and love surpasses my understanding. Your kindness and mercy I will never fathom. I am so happy that you are the judge of everyone and I am not. In my imperfect understanding I would be tempted to condemn quickly. I am grateful that you look at the heart of each one of us and see what is really there. You see our struggles and our keen desire to overcome and be your obedient children.

You also see when we are hurting and desperately trying to hang on. There are times when you sorrow as you see us turning away with a hardened heart. I love you because you care. You do not give up on us. One of the verses in your word that I love is Psalm 103:14. You know how we are formed, you know that we are dust. Therefore your great compassion is always evident. We are blessed to be your children. Praise be to your Holy Name.

One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard: that you, O God, are strong, and that you, O Lord, are loving. Psalm 62:11, 12

Encouragement for the week: Praise God because he is the final judge. He sees and knows all. Take time to feel His love and to count His blessings. What a great God we serve!  Surely you will reward each person according to what he has done.

This week's blogvotional contributed by my Mumsy.  Thanks Mom.

Friday, January 24, 2014

This Blip Called Life

Not too long ago our minister provided our congregation with an illustration.  He produced a long rope on stage which represented eternity and at the beginning of the rope was a very small section painted red.  The red part represented our lifespan.

Our lives, in truth, are just a blip in the scheme of things.  Once our earthly lives are over we begin to travel along the span of time called eternity.  And the farther through eternity we travel the section that was our earthly life appears to get smaller and smaller - eventually disappearing from our sight and memory.

Does that sound depressing?  I hope not.  But I do think it gives us a different perspective on the things we place our importance on.  Halfway through eternity are you even going to care about your car, house, or all those other things you possessed (or wanted to possess)?  What about the trials we go through?  Sometimes our trials last for weeks or even years.  They seem like they'll never end.  But one day they will be a far distant memory. We spend an awful lot of time worrying about things that essentially last less time than it takes to blink.

I think the most important revelation of this illustration for me is thinking about how I live this blip called life.  It's so easy to get caught up living this life for me - thinking the prize is my pleasure.  But the prize is eternity with God.  And it last a whole lot longer than any pleasure I can have in this earthly life.  I have a very short time in order to make a difference in this crazy world.  I want to make that little bit of time count. I want my life to be a light for God and not for myself.

My take-away is this:  We are given two lives.  One on earth and one in eternity.  Focus on the one where you'll be spending the most amount of time.  Make decisions with that mindset and the blessings of God will be upon you.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Memory Verse Challenge-Week 3

Last week I mentioned I was embarking on a Memory Verse Challenge in order to get the Word of God firmly planted in my heart, mind and spirit.  Each Monday I will post the new verse for that week.  I hope you will join me in this challenge.  The more we have God's word in us, the more peace we'll have in our lives.  That's the power truth has over lies.

This week's verse reminds me that God gives us the weapons we need in order to fight against any and every attack from the devil.  God never leaves us without help or support.

(Continue reading verses 12-18 to find out what makes up the full armor of God.)

Week 2:  Romans 10:17  Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.

Week 1:  Psalm 9:9-10  The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.  Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: Knowledge of the Word is Power

In Matthew chapter 4 we read about the account of Jesus being tempted by the devil.  It's all pretty familiar to us but there is one particular aspect that usually sneaks by unnoticed.  It's the fact that the devil quotes scripture to try to lure Jesus into his trap. 

Do we find it odd that the devil would know even the slightest bit of God's word?  I daresay he knows it inside out.  It's like studying the playbook from the other team.  The enemy is wise in the ways of deception - doing what it takes to lure the enemy into his snare.  It's easy for Christians to believe if someone is quoting scripture than they must be alright.  Surely a Bible quoting person wouldn't steer us wrong?  But the devil didn't quite get the fact he was talking to someone who knew scripture even better than he did. 

Jesus, not only fought off the devil's temptations that day, He also gave us an example of how we can fight the evil one.  We can know and fight lies and deception by knowing truth even better than the devil. When something comes up in our lives that contradicts the Word of God, we will see it for what it is - lies - and have the strength to walk away.   

The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
Matthew 4:3,4

Encouragement for the week: Keep your eyes open and be aware. Know your Bible - it can save you from falling into temptation's snare.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Word Firmly Planted

It's the beginning of the year and resolutions are in full swing (if they've made it this long).  With that said, I'm embarking on a new challenge of my own.  It's not so much part of a resolution as much as part of my desire to have the Word of God planted in my heart, mind and spirit.

Let me back up a bit.  During a recent Bible study as well as through a recent prayer commitment I discovered (or shall I say rediscovered) that the best way to fight back negative thoughts, fears, worries (all things devil-initiated) is to redirect my thoughts away from the devil's lies and back to God's truth.  The best way to do that is to recall the truth God has spoken through His Word.  The Bible is full of verses which remind us of His love, power, grace, forgiveness, faithfulness, patience.  The list goes on and on. 

One morning I woke up early and as I lay in bed my mind began racing with thoughts I knew we're leading me down a negative path.  The first step for me was recognizing what I was allowing to take place.  The second step was to immediately redirect my thinking.  I began trying to quote various scriptures.  The problem was that I was having a problem recalling very many.  Sure - I could have pulled out my Bible and read any number of the uplifting verses I've underlined over the years.  But I realized how valuable it is to have verses "at the ready" - being able to recall them at any moment.

So my challenge this year is to learn one verse a week.  For those of you who are good at math that will be 52 verses for the year.  That's really not that difficult a challenge.  The difficulty is in remembering them two, three or four weeks later.  The idea isn't so much about memorization but about firmly planting them in my mind.  So in order to do that I'm planning on adding a verse every week - not replace it each week.  By week 52 - I hope to be saying all 52 verses.  Now that definitely sounds like a challenge.

I will keep you updated on my progress as well as give you the list of verses I'm committing to memory.  Maybe you would like to join me.  I hope so.  God has given us a great weapon, His Word, the sword of the Spirit (Eph 6:17) to fight off the attacks of the evil one.  There is power in the Word so we'd be wise to arm ourselves with it.  Here are the two verses I've started with:

Week 1:  Psalm 9:9-10
The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.  Those who know your name trust in you, for you, Lord have never forsaken those who seek you.

Week 2:  Romans 10:17
Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Sunday Blogvotional: Burdens Can Be Lifted

Burdens are to be lifted.  As Christians, we have something special that not everybody can so easily get.  We have the option of tapping into peace (even when things are beyond stormy).  Our Father in Heaven, who loves us deeply, wants to unburden us.  Often, we don't even give Him the chance - because we so desperately want to control the outcome.

Life can be overwhelming and hard to take.  But we are never too far away from life-changing peace. We can go to Him and lay our burdens down at His feet.  He is never too weak or too busy to take them off of our hands.  Besides, God doesn't want us to be burdened by life's problems.  He has better things for us to do with our time such as serving Him, reaching out to others, and sharing Jesus.  Sounds like an unbelievable trade-off.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Matthew 11:28

Encouragement for the week:  Are you burdened by something?  Realize that God doesn't want you distracted by the things of this world.  Then release you burdens to God - giving Him control.  He may not take your problem away but He can and wants to take the burden of it away.  Let the outcome be His (no matter what it may be).

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Smelling The Roses

Maybe you've heard it said that there are two types of women in the world: the "Martha's" and the "Mary's".  (Luke chapter 10: 38-41) Mary seems to be a free spirit and shall I say, people focused.  Martha is focused on the task at hand.  I'm definitely a "Martha".  My life is made up of a continuous list of to-dos (either written down or stuffed in my brain in an unorganized form of chaos).  There is always something to do.  

Don't get me wrong.  I'm most definitely not a "type A" personality.  I'm not a go getter.  I'm not a task master (although my child might disagree sometimes).  I don't thrive on 5 hours of sleep just so I can put together a 20 page scrapbook of my daughter's piano recital that lasted all of 1 minute or to prepare homemade frozen meals for an entire week.  Believe it or not - there are people out there like that (you may even be one of them).  But it's not me. 

I'm the kind of person that seems to always find the importance (or over-importance) in the most menial of tasks.  I create a list and can't truly relax until the list is complete.  Problem is - the list has a hard time getting completed because I keep adding to it.

Sometimes I look back at my life and realize that I've missed out on some of the enjoyment of it simply because I was focused on the "responsibility" of it.  Let's face it - girls just want to have fun.  So does it sound silly to add something fun to my to-do lists?  Maybe I'm the type of girl who just needs to give myself permission to prop my feet up, to take my daughter to a movie, to go on a date with my husband or to eat chocolate for dinner (okay I already do that sometimes).  

We're only here on this earth for a blink of an eye.  It's important to soak up the special moments and treasure them.  In fact, I'm pretty sure there will be more special moments if I actually stop to notice them.  I recently read a book that was heavy on eye-opening insights.  If I had read the book straight through without stopping to chew on what I read, I would have missed 90% of the message.  

Life is like that.  If we don't take moments here and there to absorb what's happening in and around us, it will simply pass us by unnoticed.  This year on my to-do list, I'm going to try my best to stop, smell some roses, and smile as I take in the blessings around me.  I hope you can do the same.