I wish I could be ever so eloquent and come up with some unforgettable words for this Mother's Day post. The truth is - being a mom isn't eloquent nor unforgettable. It's hard work this job we have. It was hard for our mothers and for their mothers before them.
Logically, we know mothers aren't perfect and yet strangely we place these huge expectations on ourselves to be perfect. Because, frankly, if we mess up....well....let's not even go there.
But in the midst of all the icky stuff from dirty diapers and burp ups to pre-teen adolescence to the freak-you-out-don't-know-what-to-do-with-them teen years there is LOVE.
Maybe love doesn't make the world go round but it does give a momma her super-powers. The sleepless nights, the worries, the arguments, the I-know-better-than-you attitudes; those are our kryptonite. Those things drain a mom like nothing else.
But LOVE...a simple smile, a warm hug, a "Thank you", an I'm-not-completely-embarrassed-to-hang-around-with-you-moment and even doing the chores without being asked. Those seemingly little things give moms a boost of amazing strength. Those things make it so we know we can get up and do it all again tomorrow.
Somewhere along the line kids will stop being kids. But moms - they never stop being moms. You can take the kids out of the house but you can't take the mom out of the mom. Kryptonite sneaks its way in with a whole new set of worries for grown children and grandchildren.
So let's remember this Mother's day to make our moms feel like superheros. All it takes is a little bit of LOVE.
I'll start!
To my mom: I love you! I always appreciate your thoughtfulness and your endless prayers on my behalf. I know it wasn't always easy - being a mom - but you pulled it off rather nicely. Our lives are better because of you.
To my mother-in-law: I love you! I don't say it enough. I appreciate all you do for us. Thank you for raising my husband. I'm sure he was a handful at the time but he turned into a wonderful, giving man. That doesn't happen by accident.
With love from all of us "kids" - we sincerely wish you a
H A P P Y M O T H E R ' S D A Y